yay and boo

Feb 18, 2009 13:13

Yea Boi!
umm, even tho I have an exam in 10 min I am happy because I found out that if you stand up for yourself enough you most likely will get your way. In other words I got my late fee for school wavied. The story was that the echeck program did not work on my computer or system or whatever. Also, because I did not have any classes downtown and I worked during there hours or operation it was very difficult to pay....I could have done cerdit but it would have cost me 100 more. They said they would wavied if I paied by the end of the business day on the 16th but they emailed me 15 min before they closed and it was a hoilday and the banks where closed. So I went down there on the 17th with cash and paid everthing but the late fee and emailed her again (tried to call but she was in a meeting). I cheked right after and my balance was the late fee. I just now checked again and it was gone.. YAY victory!

Well, I better use these last 5 min to study for this exam....but then I have a 3 hours break and then another exam. Then LOST, then sleep...then work....then another exam. YAY...wait I mean BOOOO
But at least this weekend will be stress-free.
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