Jun 06, 2018 14:00
I figured it is beyond time I update again, and now is good since yesterday was my birthday. :)
I am actually doing all right physically and mentally. I have good things going on in my life, keeping me busy. It's summer and my daughter just graduated into high scshool, and she is keeping me on my toes by chaufeurring her everywhere. I've also started going to the gym more to improve my "fatty" liver. What exactly that is, I'm not sure. I have to cut back on red meat and exercise more if I want to keep it un-diseased. Pretty exciting, LOL!
My writing life is barely existent. I'm grateful for Camelot Drabble, or I probably wouldn't be writing at all. It's pretty sad, but I just don't have the motivation I used to. I wish I did though, and maybe someday that will change, but for now I'm just going with the flow and drabbling.
In other news, my iPhone 6 just up and died on me. There goes all the pic and apps I haven't updated in a while. I got a new iPhone 8 last night, but iTunes refuses to sync with it, so I can't restore even the old stuff to it. I'm waiting to hear back from the Apple people about a solution, so I'm pretty bummed about that.
I guess that's all for now. I'm keeping it cool in southern Illinois, and I hope y'all are too!