Jul 20, 2017 21:25
So I'm thinking I should post a bit more than every 3 or 4 months, LOL! To that end, I wanna use my boring Thursdays to post about stuff happening to me and what I'm doing to that end, I offer the following bits. :)
I'm home alone with child # 1 and child # 3. Mostly we watch Netflix in the morning and hang out/do odd chores around the house or outside in the afternoons. Hubby and child # 2 are away for the next 8 days or so, partying it up at the Scout Jamboree, which leaves the mom-ing and dad-ing to me. That also means the cooking is up to me, and that's not my thing. Not that I can't, I just don't like to. I like it less than I like doing the dishes, and that's a lot.
What I'm Watching
Lately we've been rewatching Young Justice. I'm told it will be taken off of Nextflix at the beginning of next month (sad). Have to wait for the new ones to come out next year. *sigh* Yes, I'm an adult. With adult children. And we watch cartoons. At night after the children are in bed, I rewatch Merlin. Of course. Because I feel like reconnecting with my source material will help me reconnect with writing fanfiction based on it. That leads me to-
What I'm Writing
I've been in a pretty major slump now for a year and a half. I've managed to rouse myself for various fests, which has been enjoyable. I've mostly been plugging away drabbles for the weekly challenge at camelot_drabble. I'll always do that, I think, because it flexes those good ole writing muscles. But today I dug up a WIP I haven't touched in over 10 months. And I wrote over 500 words on it! Yay me! I feel pretty blessed for all that and I hope it can continue. I really don't want to leave anything undone.
What I'm Reading
I love to travel to AO3 every couple of days to check out what fresh, new stuff has been posted and check on what I'm casually following. I was not disappointed today. On my iPad, Ive been reading a cute little book called Present Over Perfect: Leaving Behind Frantic for a Simpler, More Soulful Way of Living by Shauna Niequist. The title's a mouthful, but the book is a gem. She talks about how she let her life get too crazy to handle and she just had to stop. Literally. So far, I'm loving it, even though my life isn't at this level, there are things I can do to simplify and cut out the stress.
Well, that's all for now folks! Stay tuned for what I hope will be weekly updates on my fantabulous life! :D