Feb 27, 2007 18:45
Ummm wow this sucks.
The one thing I was looking forward to is gone, the one thing I was actually passionate about it ruined, and it will all blow over soon, I just want the week+weekend to be over so it can be CAPT WEEK!
Oh, and I want my term paper to be written.
Oh, and I want to get my license/have money to pay for drivers ed/have a car.
Oh, and I want to leave my house and chill w/ people I actually am friends with!
Oh, and I want to punch someone really hard and then cry because I hurt my fist, b/c that's what I would do (lame I know)
Oh, and I want to Idontevenknowanymore.
I really just want to sleep for weeksandweeksandweeks.
How can I want so much, when other's have so little? Screw Human Nature. Can this day,week,month,YEAR please be over now?
K thanks.