I spend so much of my time on long journeys just to earn the breathe of fresh air that comes before the next one begins. Beyond the difficult classes at school and the late nights spent finishing projects and writing essays, I am talking about this soccer season, and the countless hours spent practicing the classical guitar and even shorter term endeavors like entertaining strangers who visit my summer home. This is not to say that I don't love soccer, guitar and whatever or that it's not all worth it in the long run (or at some end) or that I don't have great experiences and stories from these things. But IT IS to say that the time I spend with the people I love the most, or the ones who make me feel completely comfortable and the most meaningful, unforced times I spend with the guitar in my hands, and the times spent on a beach looking at salt water clouds, or eating this fresh baked apple pie or whatever... are the times when I am living for right now. And it's so refreshing and natural to live that way. At this point I can't stop keeping commitments and doing the things I do and there's no telling when I can actually stop. I just want to say that I look forward to the days where I am with you and we're in those places that I always think about. I want the longest journey to consist of marked time.