... about two thirds of our daily thoughts are fear-based. While fear is useful for self-protective measures, to keep you alive, it also gets in the way, as has been talked about before, many times... I wonder if I'm challenging myself enough to confront fear. And because I need to wonder about it, I'm probably not
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Mistakes can be useful for learning (cause that's where new ideas come from), and overcoming the fear of making them is very helping in doing so (because it keeps the focus on what want, as opposed to what you don't). But ultimately, you're going to learn more from your (and other people's) successes.
And, of course, there's always the unseen "magic" at work. The progress we make that we are unaware of, simply by being a part of a whole in and of ourselves.
(...I'm feeling so spiritual)
...this fear of being big appears to be diminishing as it is losing validity...
I think I'm curious about how (and why) your feelings different about being bigger and being smaller.
When you feel (or imagine yourself feeling) bigger than someone, does it seem like that person is not pushing themselves as much as you'd like to them do? And when you feel bigger, how do you feel about taking on the roll of enlightening them and helping them get bigger too?
I just wanted to not use the words bigger and smaller.
I like to be aware of the moments where I may have an insight for someone, but I do not size someone up and put myself above them and in charge of their enlightenment. I'm always a student too, I'd rather bring out the bits of things they know, strengthen each other... more of a 2 way reciprocity thing. I'm uncomfortable in a strict teacher position.
I'm not sure what you meant by strict teacher position. Did you mean to imply being a strict teacher or like a teacher position, strictly speaking?
how do you feel about helping out people who may not be able to offer you anything in return? Just for the sake of helping them?
I have no problem helping someone without expecting or wanting anything in return.
In that situation the person has given me an opportunity to be helpful, that's something, and it'll happen to me soon enough where someone will help me and I have nothing tangible to offer... pay it forward!
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