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Jul 10, 2008 21:34

Read the George RR Martin Dreamsongs no 1 must be about a week ago, and finished it more or less at the same time as the last Dune book. 
What can I say? The good the bad and the ugly. Don't bother reading Dune unless you HAVE to know how it all ends. I think it's nicely plotted but the characterization was so hollow it was in a vacuum, and the writing just doesn't have the life of the chapterhouse Dune books earlier on in the Dune revival. 
The George RR Martin short stories though. Yep. Fantastic (although I think the first was the weakest, so don't be put off if you're not captured by it). I'd even read a couple of the stories before and they resonated all the stronger for it.  Interesting little segues (actaully segues is probably the wrong word but WTH)  to what was going on in his life and little writing bits and pieces about the short stories etc. I even found those quite readable, probably more interesting for authors than most, but a nice little insight nevertheless. So here I am having not picked up a book for a few days, contemplating the last of the Icefire series, or at least the most recent, it's hard to tell. Anyway I'm looking forward to it. Kids books rock so much more than adult books on the whole. And there's a new stravaganza out as well - I am SO looking forward to that, it's supposed to be briliant :) although in fantasy terms the concept is a little tired it's still a fun, well written, look at an alternate venice.

Catch you lot all later, I have worlds to build, for I suddenly feel the overpowering need to avoid the one I'm in.
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