Dec 14, 2014 23:18
It's almost that time of the year again where I go through all my accounts -- on everything -- and delete the bullshit. And make empty promises to keep using it. However, LJ falls short on my list of websites. For writing I use AO3 and Mibba, for roleplaying I use IJ. It makes me kind of sad because LJ has been my home for so long and now I'm coming close to saying goodbye. I don't want it to be forever though; there's so many memories and fun hidden within this account.
If I didn't have to work on finals and find lotion for my tattoo (got a fourth one!!) I'd dig deeper into the past ...who am I kidding, I'm going to sit on here all night playing "let's remember."
Is there anyone still out there? If you are, say hi!!