ok. rant time.

Sep 16, 2006 00:54

So, you know, I'm not really sure what this rant is about, and I have a feeling it's going to scratch many surfaces.

So you know what really grinds my gears? the unspoken double standard. I read somewhere that people have two sets of morals. The morals they say they live by, and the morals they actually beleive in their heart.

For instance, using an extreme example:  General society says that if a girl is under 18, she's jailbait and off limits. I wonder how many guys who would honestly never touch an underage girl, given the right circumstances, and assured that said "general society" wouldn't find out, would set aside those beliefs for his desires.

How about someone that hates stealing, but neglects to turn in a lost wallet he found filled with cash containing an ID?

The point is, that there are big extremes, irrelevant ones. But everyone has at least one thing that they will "agree" with and even perhaps practice, but not really beleive in.

I'm going to use the great mystery of girls for a moment.  Girls, don't get angry.

It always boggle my brain when I see a girl complain/cry/whine over her asshole boyfriend. You know, the boyfriends that don't give a shit about them? Or they do when it's conveniant? You know the type.   Why are they with him?  It especially pisses me off when the guy was like that from the get-go. I don't understand.  I don't know how many times I've heard "why can't I just find a nice guy?" or something of the type.  But yet she stays because "they" are in "love".

Now there is a nifty site that everyone should read called "The Ladder Theory" at http://intellectualwhores.com That gives a great explanation for this. But I'm going to continue.

It always just confuses me because I thought that if you were involved with someone, you shouldn't be looking for someone else.  So why don't they leave the relationship, and find a new one? Their chances would be better on a new guy than trying to change the person they are with. Newsflash!: If you "change" him, he's not really going to be changed. He's only going to have conformed to what you(who we could refer to as the general society) want him to do/say. People rarely make true changes. Things may alter, but the actual person rarely does. Their beleifs usually stay the same although their actions may differ.

So all you people that are trying to change your significant other into someone else: Why? You're just making up more double standards for him/her.

You know, on a few occasions I've even heard "Why can't all guys be like you". I know, I know, what poor confused souls they must be to say that, but it helps my point.  If they think I'm so grand, why don't they do something?  Why stay in the shitty relationship, if you think you see someone better? I'm not claiming to be that someone, but I'm sure there are others in my position.

are people so scared to take a chance?

God. I'm moving 5 hours away from home to work on short fims with my friends. I'm putting off school, leaving everything I've known here to make home videos I hope I'll be noticed for. And if not noticed, maybe will help some kind of career. And if not, just because I enjoy it.  If you want to know the truth of it, I'm terrified. But I'm going to try.

and on top of all that, I wonder when I'll find a good girlfriend for me. That or when I'll be that good boyfriend for some girl. Not that my girlfriends of the past have been bad. I've been very lucky have pretty, non-psychotic, intelligent girlfriends.  But they weren't the right ones for me. I think there can be right people for different times. Melissa and I lasted for over 2 years. We never fought. Rarely argued. Pretty much always got along great. but as time wore on, we just weren't right for each other.  But for the time it lasted, she was my best friend; my partner in crime.

Perhaps I'm foolish to want that again, and should consider myself lucky for having that to begin with.  I want my girlfriend to be my friend. I want a real friendship, not just someone I just look at on date-night.

I want someone I can trust, and will trust me in return.
I want someone who isn't fucking psychotic or obsessive.
I want someone who has a formed opinion of their own, someone who cares, or at least is aware about things outside of their immediate enviroment.
I want someone who enjoys doing the stupid things i like, who isn't afraid to do, and to be stupid. You know; to play. But without making me feel like everything I do is stupider than I already realize it to be because it's "not cool" or something like that.

I talked to someone who said she wanted "someone stable".  You know, thus implying the current boyfriend wasn't.

I wonder if she'll leave him and take a chance on someone else.

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