Aug 27, 2005 19:51
okay so its been forever since i updated but who cares? no one reads this thing anyway, but im bored and i dont feel like cleaning or reading for ap history so i'll do this. this is the first time ive been on the internet for like 3 weeks cause that really bad storm fucked up the internet and we had to get it fixed. school's almost here and that sucks! field hockey started, yep double sessions fri and thurs and of course a 5 oclock practice tomorrow. i made varsity BY DEFAULT. Nice way to make the team feel good. im not that good when you compare me and the seniors, but hey at least im not as bad as the freshmen. Olivias party was amazing. we watched the ring and surprisingly i didnt freak out. she said that the perfume that i gave her smelled like skunk, but it turned out to only be the plastic on the outside. well, thats good. where do you find skunk perfume anyway? i went swimming over Liz's yesterday and we played apples to apples. i won - finally. Kristen rode home with the birthday crown on. me and kelly tied owr towels around our necks and ran up and down the driveway and around the house while she sang the "wicked witch of the west" song. how's that for randomness? yeah, good times...