This is an interpretative translation with my comments and influence in terms of the story. Translation is NOT from Japanese Manga rather frm local translations - I kept to the Spirit of GB as I think. Due to size of the Post I have had to split it into 3. But its complete. Enjoy and comment ! The story isss soooooo brilliant.. LOVE BAN (No respect for his mom /granny) .... Hmmm do I translate any other books else?? Suggestions??
And please check the online scans in Japanese numbering corrresponds with that.
That person.. was not Kazuki. That really was a girl.
Akabane White
Yes, she is the heir to the Fuchouin family, The is the master of the most ancient Japanese stringed instrument.
The young man beside her, Juubei Kakei, is a premier member of the Kakei family that specializes in acupuncture, he is a true genius and is a prominent lecturer in a college here.
They are truly the people.. whom you know so well.
Akabane White
Who would you like to see next?
They are all here, in this world, leading peaceful lives.
Akabane White
Life in this world is good, problems are pretty insignificant compared to what people face in your world, that in a way can be said to be the biggest problem of this world.
Pg. 138 : Akabane White
Here people are bothered by daily hassles, overwhelmed by it.. and then they suicide. The suicide rate in this world, is unfortunately a great deal higher then yours.
(Ginji looks very sad, thinking; looking down)
Have we met?
Akabane White
So who would you like to visit next. Haruki Emishi? Shido Fuyuki? Sakura Kakei?
There is no need….
Akabane White
I don’t need to meet anymore strangers. Those two people I met just now are nothing like the ones I know. So perhaps it is better I do not meet anymore people I don’t know…
Akabane White
Can you no see, its better… the two people that you know in the other world, have no chance of living such a peaceful idyllic life, they need to fight and battle everyday.
(Ginji clenches his fist - whole thing seems to disturb him)
Pg. 139 : Ginji
Peace? Is peace … happiness?
(Very mature look on Ginji's face)
I don’t really know, .. my life.. yes there are times that I have suffered are more then the happy moments.
But the happiness is so sweet.. I cant see myself as unfortunate.
(Ginji looks earnest and straightforward)
Akabane White
Ginji, I understand your confusion.. there is someone you must meet.
Who is that?
Pg. 140 : Akabane White
That’s … your mother.
(Ginji is totally shocked freezes)
Akabane White
Ginji *thoughts
I can meet my mother?
The one who gave birth to me?
Pg. 141 : Ginji * thoughts
A graveyard?
Akabane White
She’s the lady over there.. Would you like to talk to her?
T.That’s …her..
Pg. 142
Thump.. Thump… Thump (heart beats)
(Ginji walks up slowly, very nervous, fist clenched, sweating)
Pg 143-144
- Ginji has a first look at his mother near the headstones
Pg. 145 : Lady
May I help you?
That… I…
You are a young man, aren’t you?
Sorry.. my eyesight s really bad.. I can only see outlines nowdays, and I need a walking stick.
I.. I see.
What’s the matter?
Pg. 146 : Ginji
Can I ask please, .. who are you visiting?
My son.
My only son.. he died.. a long time ago.
This is..
Pg. 147 : Ginji
(Headstone with the name Ginji Amano)
I died.. My name?
Pg. 148 :Lady
My son rests here. My only son.
Yes, his name was Ginji Amano
Ginji *thoughts
That is grave?!
(Ginji really is shell shocked)
Pg. 149 : Lady
He.. died in late winter, the weather was like this. I became so hollow after he died. I keep thinking if only I had done more. I even thought of cloning him, to bring him back to life, but that’s illegal here. And.. the sad part is that even if it succeeded, it would just be another person with his genes, not him. There can only ever be one Ginji. Everyone is specially crated by their world, so regardless of the method of conception, there can only ever be one of each unique individual.
Its hard… to understand these things.
Yes.. its very hard.
Pg. 150 : Lady
But I have the intelligence .. I had to find a way.
I believed that the only way to fulfill my dream is to create another world.
Create a world?
Yes, a backup. With technology I could copy this world and create a backup.
(Shot of the limitless fortress being built)
Pg. 151 : Lady
My first step was to create an artificially intelligent archive that contains all the possible future’s of the world, the program was self sustaining. By assimilating all the information, possible elements, chaos and possibilities , the program would be able to develop independently with minimal interference.
The scientific committee accepted my idea, because everyone believes this world will end someday, they saw this as a way to continue. So in total secrecy we formed the Brain Trust made up of the most intelligent minds from all areas and began the project. We were Gods that would recreate the world with knowledge and science. We sought all sorts of ways to create a new and stable backup world.
Pg. 152 :Lady
Surprisingly we found only one answer in the end.
The one and only answer to create a stable world is to harness the power of human will.
Will power?
Yes, in simplified terms, human wishes.
Humans.. truly are the Gods that create the world.
Wishes of humans are the mould by which the world is shaped.
Pg. 153 :Lady
That was the answer that we found.
So we decided to collect the fear, desperation and that bit of hope in all humans, by combining all of that, we created another world.
A great deal happened in the process.
Some tapped their own willpower in the process, and by their hidden wishes became immortal.
Like him…
(Referring to Akabane in White;
Ginji : !!)
..He is a doctor, once while serving in a war zone, he tried to save the life of a civilian girl.
He failed, and felt useless for letting the life of the child slip through his fingers. He cursed God, and wished for power over death.
Pg. 154 :
(Shot of Dr. Jackal in black rising from the debris, Ginji clenches teeth, Akabane smiles)
In the other world, his backup got that ability, and became immortal.
Recognizing the power of the other world to mirror our darkest wishes, the Professor invented the fortress, she truly built on my ideas.
Pg. 155 :Lady
That is the world you are all living in...,
..the alternate world.
Pg. 156 :Lady
At the beginning of the project everything was chaotic, but things proceeded at a fast pace. We carefully calculated all the factors and planned the program to follow exactly the history that this world has been through, to create an exact copy.
However totally beyond our expectations, the other world developed its own unique history, we had no control over it, as we created the program to be independent.
(Ginji's hand must hurt by how much he clenches his fist)
The program grew, and took on further independence, anomalies began forming in th program. By the time we became aware of this it was too late, those against my team believed we were wrong to interfere had acted to reduce our control. The two world began to exits with two really different sets of rules, what would be impossible in this world, is everyday phenomena in the other world. Chaos and loss of order dominates that world. The history became twisted and totally different from what we had originally planned. It was no longer a backup of this world but a separate existence in itself.
The worlds are alike, but are totally separate worlds.
The time lines of the two worlds are now aligning, when the alternate world's time catches up to the time of this world, the alternate world if it is not aligned to the History of this world, will irreversibly become a separate world. It will be totally independent and we will no longer be able to repair the anomalies.
Pg. 157 :Lady
In the past, we made several attempts to fix the anomalies in the program, we even sent the Professor and a few others there, like Kagami the observer, there to correct things. But once there they were all slowly absorbed into the history of that world. Needless to say they can no longer correct anything, nor are they able to come back.
(Shot of Kagami and others in a status tube)
We lost the ability to freely manipulate that world because of the traitors in our ranks, led by the so-called Witch Queen. She and her colleagues even sent her Grandson into the world to stop us.
Pg. 158 :Lady
The only method left to ensure the history is a backup copy of this peaceful world is to destroy all the anomalies by reformatting that world totally. To lead that world out of chaos, we have to destroy it totally and start over leaving only one timeline.
To allow an empty world to restart properly, we need a creator. We need one person to be the creator, and that person must be on the top of the world, so that he can act as the 'Will' of the whole world. I choose to send the one person who stands above the others. He will be the chosen God who determines the future of the new world, by using his willpower to format it.
(Lady looks at him with a concerned look)
Pg. 159 :Ginji
I.. if I.. am the chosen one… you sent me to the other world.
Would you help me, reformat the world to what it should be?
But… the world that I hope to see.. is the world that I know.
Pg. 160 :Ginji
(Ban and Ginji goofing around in the Honky Tonk)
A world with.. my partner in it.. my friends.. enemies.. all moving forward together. There is a lot of things that I don’t know. But the world I wish to exist in is the world I know..
Pg 161 -162 : Ginji
That’s .. what I have fought to retrieve, ...our world.
Pg 163 : Ginji
Akabane-san, let’s go. I think there is someone I want to see..
Akabane White
(Hesitates and turns... he seems torn as to how to address the lady who had made him to be her weapon.)
Lady *thoughts
(smiling to herself) He is a strong boy…
It seems that he has done well without me.
Even if.. its different from the future that I had hoped to see for him..
I hope that he will be able to
Pg 164 :
(Lady stands alone gripping her cane in front of the tombstone.)
Pg 165 : Ginji
(With a huge smile and totally Ginji optimism.)
(Lady's eyes finally fill with tears)
**Following is in the Chinese version not in Japanese scans :
Even through our beliefs are different, there is an unbreakable bond between mother and sun that is unbreakable. I sincerely thank you for this meeting Mom!!
Pg 166
(Ginji is floating in darkness)
Dark.. its so dark.. what is this place?
Wait, its not just darkness.. there are substances here.. they are coming together, forming,… becoming,… something..
(Ginji reaches out a hand - light gathers in front of his palm and sorta flashes.)
Pg 167
(Ginji fully dressed (darn it.. 6 pack * hot) is lying on his back reaching out to the sun. Ginji's eyes are sooo sad )
Pg 168 Ginji
(City debris around him.. he sees a city without the limitless fortress)
This place is … Tokyo?
Is it Shinjuku… without the Infinity Fortress.. (Sits up)
that was not a dream… (Hits the floor, depressed)
169: Ban
(Standing behind Ginji .. 6 pack to die for.. lighting death stick)
Ban-chan! You’re alive! (Chibi Ginji spazes)
(Mallet face plant)
Idiot! How many times must I tell you I’m invincible. This’ll teach you!
Ouchie! But where’s Infinity Fortress?
(Ginji runs around n circles)
Have you lost what little brains you had? That blasted thing’s here!
Pg 170 : Ban
You are standing on it Dumb-ass!
This is the roof top of infinity fortress!! Infinity fortress.. rooftop.
(Sees the closed doorway, smiles)
(Sits on the floor as if tired out)
That means..? was that a dream!?
Yeah.. Ban-chan I cant seem to remember the details, but I was in a Shinjuku with the infinity fortress. Akabane-san was dressed in a white coat, and he took me to meet my mother.
You met your mom, Ginji?
Pg 171 : Ginji
Ya, she told me a bunch of complicated stuff.. didn’t really understand it.. I can’t really remember all of it.. but..
Nothing, I guess it must have been a dream.
(Ban has a kindda strange knowing gentle smile on his face)
It must be true.. the other world was a dream..
(Ginji standing looking lonely)
Oh Ya! I even dreamt of your mother Ban-chan!
(Mood change to beaming)
Your mom, she really wanted to see you! (Ban hides eyes under hair)
So I told her that .. she should come to the Honky Tonk and meet you.
That was also in your dream, right?
..err.. yeah… (weird faced, sweating)
Pg 172 : Ban
Ginji even if was just your dream.. the feelings of happiness you felt in meeting your mother were real, wasn’t that great.
(ignoring issue of his mom and focusing on Ginji's emotional needs)
Erm.. yeah! (Ginji smiles at peace)
Okay.. Lets go home!
(Ginji follows Ban down the stairs. Grins, then smiles sweetly at each other.)
Pg 173-174
Ban / Ginji
Lets go home!
(GetBackers walking down side by side, arms around each other)
Pg 175 -176
Happy reunions all around as they make their way down the infinity fortress…dead return to life - Cute GB relationship pics
Pg 177 -178
Ginji leads MakubeX out of infinity fortress - human virtual beings are now real thanks to Ginji’s reformat.(translators note - am pretty sure the number of bunnies, rainbows, free food stands and soft toys in Shinjuku has increased in the now Ginji-fied world. )
Pg 179 :
(MakubeX outside the limitless fortress looking at the sun)
(Akabane looking down at the GB crew spilling out of the fortress,, he smiles)
How unlike you, you saved.. Ban Midou?
Not really.. I killed him...
As a token of gratitude..
It would have been a pity, if this world was without Ban Midou-kun. ..
Pg 180 : Akabane
(looking at Ban walking out)
I did not find his disappearing I put him into a state of suspended animation before he fully disappeared.. the rest was up to Ginji to decide.
If Ban Midou had fully disappeared before Ginji’s choice, he would have been forgotten and there would have been no way to get him back.
So what needed to be done, was to fool the archive into believing I had taken his life, before he was truly gone. ...
I see.. only Dr. Jackal could have come up with such a way to fool the archive.
I did not expect that you would care enough to save his life like this.
Because .. only he was able to unlock the full potential of Kurudo Akabane
So have you finally found your answer?
Do you know?
Pg 181 : Semimaru
“Reflection in the water.. it reflected the real me…”
It’s a nice song.
What is an illusion, which is reality, how do we know?
Pg 182
GetBackers are leaving the fortress behind
Pg 182
(Standing outside the Honky Tonk)
We’re Back!
Yeah, Finally!
(Grab door handle; opens. Girls looking quiet, Honky Tonk even with 3 people in it looks empty. Girls look up wide eyed)
Pg 184 : Natsumi
Welcome home!!
(Smiling happy)
We’re Home!!!
Pg 185 : Natsumi
What would you like?
Blue Mountain, put it on my tab.
When are you guys paying off your debts?
Ahh Paul-san don’t be stingy!
This has nothing to do with being stingy!
By the way? When do we get paid for this mission?
Woman (Bitch)
(Woman standing outside looking in, hat hides face)
Pg 187 :Woman (Bitch)
Do you not want to meet him?
Woman (Bitch)
Woman (Bitch)
** remembers what she said
So.. you are the one who he considers his mother…
(You are not my child!! You are a Demon’s child)
That child has no reason to want to see me…
What will he think of me.
Pg 188 : Woman (Bitch)
Besides, it seems he has finally found a place he belongs..
(Ban's arm around Ginji - horsing around in Honky Tonk)
that should be enough to satisfy me.
Is that what you really want? Do you want to give it a try?
Woman (Bitch)
Leave everything… in the hands of faith…
(plotting - seriously they should have taken Ginji's advice and walked in-bah)
Pg 189 : Emishi/Amon
Welcome (Cosplaying serving waitresses)
Amon-han, do you think this is alright?
Emi-chan, no problemmo!
Crowd looking
What are they doing?
He, he..
Its stupid
A gag?
Amon-han, please stop speaking with such a weird Kansai slang. And… WHY are we wearing these outfits?
You are so naïve! Maid is an international language! And this area.. (pointing at thigh) will help you conquer the world!
The absolute area?
Nobody is going to care about that!! WE ARE GUYS!!
(Bashes Amon)
Sorry. Back to the drawing board!
Look who’s here!!!
Pg 190 : Kazuki
I heard that you two had opened up a gag shop.. but its really a maid café huh?
Just in time. Saved! Kazuki-san if you wear this outfit, our business will definitely grow!
Lets cosplay maids together!!
Definitely… NO!
Don’t get Kazuki involved in your stupid circus act!
(has needled the both Amon and Emishi)
What’s the problem? You guys just imagine Kazuki-san in a maid uniform..
Kazuki (imaginary)
Welcome home, master.
The best maid!
Don’t you dare even imagine it. I thought life could finally get easier..but.. you guys…
So what?
Pg 191 : Emishi /Amon
We want to generate laughter in the Infinity Fortress! Have it ring with laughter! That is our biggest dream!
I am totally serious! We are going to spread laughter around.
Yes Shirley!
(Bops Amon) Pronounce it properly!!
Kazuki, Juubei and Toshiki freeze and walk away
That joke was lousy!
Your level of jokes can match Juubei's and your maid outfits are a disgrace to women.
No come back, we have shows everyday even weekends1 You Amon-yan you need lots of practice.
We… fought in the Infinity Fortress
Pg 192 : Kazuki
No doubt about it.
But.. I can’t remember much about it. Even when I try, all I can remember are emotions, feelings of determination, frustration and something.. that just misses my grasp.
Same here.. Juubei.. Its surprising.. even though I don’t recall any detail, I have a sense of resolution, I’m not unsatisfied.
That must mean.. that even though we cant remember in our heads, I hearts know that everything has been resolved.
That’s right.. Yohan must feel this too..
Pg 193 : Kazuki
My only brother… he’s still trapped in the upper floors of the Infinity Fortress. He is now the heir to the Fuuchouin and ura-Fuuchouin styles of fighting.
Are you alright with this?
Yes.. I don’t want to be associated so closely with Fouchoiun anymore.. I’m happy to leave that legacy to him… Yohan and MakubeX will view each other as rivals.. but I know that Yohan’s goal is no longer violence and destruction. So… this is right.. leaving the legacy to him, he needs it.
Pg 194 : Kazuki
Although I am not Emishi (thank all the gods) .. it is time to find my own special path in this world, without the need for vengeance. I like it more.. this world is more exciting then ever.
Like it more… Yes I feel it too, a freshness of energy.
Who knows, what is true of the future.
Pg 195
Woof woof woof..
Mozart, Shido and Madoka meet up with Kazuki, Juubei and Toshiki
Pg 196
(Ban and Ginji standing seriously together)
We have finally got it!!!
Yeah.. Ban-chan…
Pg 197 : Ban
Today’s menu is.. (lol greedy faces)
The answer to out dreams, SUPER CLASS SUSHI!!!
Can we eat?
(Ban, Ginji, Rena and Natsumi sitting at booth scarffing huge sushi platters)
Who gets it, owns it!
Hugh class sea-urchin! Tuna belly!!
Is this true?
This is like a great dream..
Shut up eel!!
That’s mine! You greedy bastard!
Share Ban-chan share!!
What tiny dreams your guys have… why do I have to pay for this….
Paul, A cup of your best blue mountain coffee..
Iced coffee for me please!
Ban/Ginji- Chibi
Put it on our Tab!!!
(*gnashing teeth) Lazy freeloaders!! .. what about you?
Pg 198: Teshimine
Your treat?
Do you want to drive me to bankruptcy?
Heh! Just kidding..
So what are your plans now? Do you want me to hook you up to some jobs?
Hmm.. the professor has asked me to help her.. Gives me an inside view that’s needed, since things are not really settled yet…
Choosing an endless journey.. that’s not like you.
Paul, thanks. I owe you, I got to laugh with Ginji like this again because of you.
Haha! I didn’t open this Café for you! I have just been following my own dreams.
I see.. that’s great..
Pg 199 : Paul
(Ban and Ginji are clowning about fighting over everything.)
The value of a day, is equal to the value of a few years. A haven where burdens can be lifted, I wanted to build such a castle. It has been real fun opening this shop. Those two girls, they now make great coffee!
Natsumi/ Rena
Chief, Chief! (big hearts)
Can we use your special blend of coffee beans that you keep? (Removing stash)
Err.. How did you two know where it was?
(Paul is not happy)
Ban and Ginji Laughing, having fun.. Sushi.. sooo good.
Well looks like its time.. for me to go.
Teshinmine-san, you are going now? But we ordered sushi for you!
Pg 200 : Teshimine
Ginji, I’ll come visit again when I am free.
Its time I created my own castle as well.
Take care!
Hmm? Why is he talking about castles?
No idea…
(Flashback of Ban and his dad’s last moments)
Castles.. huh… (poor Ban-chan seems sad)
(Door opens Ban has a kindda shocked lost look before he sees who it is)
Pg 201 : Hevn
Hi boys! How have you been?
(Ban strange look, then goes teen chibi)
Huh!.. Boobilicious in the house!
Idiot! Who were you expecting?
Nobody.. (Horns showing)
But I know you’ve been waiting for this… Big Boobies
(jumps to grope Hevn)
(Ginji : Ban-chan no don’t)
Sfx : Grab hold
Ban : …
Kurusu : … (glares)
Pg 202 : Kurusu
Those are mine!!
Darling... (hearts)
~FAIL (Disappointed Ban)
(‘pat’, ‘pat’ Ginji consoles disappointed Ban.)
Err.. Hevn-san do want some coffee? Paul is treating today!
Sure, but .. I have a great job for the GetBackers!
(Paul has a strange look)
Pg 203 : Ban
What kindda job.. it better be good!
What! What! What!
What! Ingrates I introduce you to great jobs!
As if, there are always problems with the jobs you introduce.
What’s the job?
I need you guys to retrieve a person.
A person?
Your client is the boss of a coffee shop?
Coffee shop?
!... ?
(Looks suspicious at Paul whose back is to them)
Your target is now being transported from near the limitless fortress here (point), by a team of transporters
Transporters… which group?
Pg 204 : Hevn
I’ll give you the details later, but they are on the move even now, through this route, so you have to hurry. What’s your decision? While I cannoy gaurantee payment, I can guarantee that the ob is good, and you will find irt enlightening.
You guarantee?
That make me more Suspicious..
Trust me! So?
Whatever.. we’re the invincible GetBackers.. with a 100% success rate.
Pg 205-206 : Ginji
This job…
.. we accept it!
Pg 207 : Himiko
Gonzou, you ready? Its been a while since I have seem Mr. No breaks in action. Show me your skills!
Don’t worry about me, I always get my job done.
This looks more like a game then a job. .. Hehehe.. and if I am playing let me inform you.. that I only value the enjoyment I get from the job.. so do let me enjoy this in my own way.
Woman (Bitch)
No problem…
Really? You might witness me killing him.. How badly do you want to see him hurt?
Pg 208 : Woman (Bitch)
No problem… they are the GetBackers!!
Huh!.. In that case I think I’ll battle Ginji-kun.. Lady Poison I’ll leave Midou-kun to you.
No problem, I’ll show him I’m not a kid.
Lets roll.
Pg 209-214 :
(Ban and Ginji running together, race past the city, cars, Clayman.. keeping pace with each other..
flash back other adventures.. )
Pg 215-216
Make eye contact, beams at each other.
Pg 217 : Ban
Ready! Ginji!!
Always! Ban-chan!
- Owari-