Feb 03, 2008 14:23
Ever have one of those experiences where you witness deep personal faith and you are struck with awe at God's work?
When World Youth Day took place in Denver there were numerous accounts of people who were changed and otherwise moved just by being part of that experience with the Pope. A friend of mine decided that day to become a priest. Pope John Paul II commented that the young people gathered in Denver had through the sacraments and through the unity and friendship created among so many, "a real and transforming experience of the new life which only Christ can give." He added, "You, young pilgrims, have also shown that you understand that Christ's gift of life is not for you alone. You have become more conscious of your vocation and mission in the church and in the world."
I had just finished a week filled with political rhetoric and the most interesting visual messaging/marketing clearly targeted at youth - making a statement. Chelsea campaigned for her mom here in Boulder. Students thought that was cool but also stated that they would probably vote for Obama without giving a deep reason as to why. There seemed to be a real avoidance of candidates that seemed old or conservative/rigid.
Meanwhile, a gentle soul passed "through the veil" - a man who often told the story of being in a far-away place, depressed and filled with self-doubt. He wrote to his father of his sadness and concerns. His father wrote back that he was to stop thinking of himself and to get on with the work of the Lord. He stated that he read those words and was then reminded of scripture and fell on his knees in that room - far away - and committed his life to the Lord. This young man grew up to lead the 7th largest church in the United States. Now at the age of 97 - the prophet had passed through the veil and images of youth and families passed on the screen. All of these witnesses repeatedly said that their lives had been changed - because of the prophet. These young people were not "tired" with this old man - they were thankful for having him as their teacher. They were happy - their lives had meaning - the were thankful of the teaching that led them to a deeper relationship with Christ. When was the last time I had seen such an image?
The face of joy was the same - images from Denver WYD and this congregation showed no difference. Each face reflected total joy. Same as those who had met the Dali Lama - same as those who met Mother Teresa.
In a week where it all seemed to be about a looming recession, a state of the union address that seemed to bypass the real issues but worked on "thanking veterans" sound bytes, bickering candidates and an endless chant of "change" --- "change" --- "change"....... yet none of it seemed focused - with a purpose.
meanwhile, a gentle soul stepped through the veil to see the face of God - leaving behind a huge following totally filled with joy.
Pope JPII described a "culture of death" which "battles against life." "Its effects," he said, are "injustice, discrimination, exploitation, deceit, violence. In every age, a measure of their apparent success is the death of the innocents." Such activity emerges from the following of a false prophet.
GBH was the real thing.
The desire to see Jesus dwells deep in the heart of each man and each woman. My dear young people, allow Jesus to gaze into your eyes so that the desire to see the Light, and to experience the splendor of the Truth, may grow within you. Whether we are aware of it or not, God has created us because he loves us and so that we in turn may love him. This is the reason for the unquenchable nostalgia for God that man preserves in his heart: “Your face, Lord, do I seek. Do not hide your face from me” (Ps 27: 8-9). That Face - we know - was revealed to us by God in Jesus Christ.
Pope John Paul II