
Jul 02, 2006 10:37

Sooo my dream last night, or, 20 minutes ago.
In grade four, and this part is true, I made a comic about two beetles who fought crime and ate chilidogs as their reward. Yeah I know. Fucked up. Anyways, in my dream, I came home to Uxbridge to my old house and the mood was chipper until I found the comic laying around in the dining room next to a stack of scipts. Yeah my Mom totally tried to take my fourth grade material and make it into a play. I was furious. Especially because all the weiner kids at my old church were going to act it out. And not only that, it was sort of a hit, and my Mom started selling it off the theatre companies. All without telling me. So I confront her and she's all "You're over reacting" and then gives me two fives and a ten, meanwhile she's making thousands off the play. My play. So I do a dramatic Lindsay Lohan move and take the three bills and throw them over the staircase. I think that part was in slow motion. And then I fast forwarded into a subway scene where the subway was outside above the ocean and it was zipping so fast and it felt like the Fly at Canada's Wonderland because you sort of hang over the track. Yeah, crazy.
Anyways I woke up so furious D you have no idea.
And what makes it worse is that I want to look back on my comic and it's in storage. Nooooooooooooooooooooo.

Okay yeah, hi everybody.
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