Interesting past couple of days

Oct 09, 2004 22:51

It has been an interesting past couple of days. Not all of it is good news, however. A few days ago, Rosemary was watching the news and told me that this kid, Brandon Reeve (that I'm not at all close with but went to elementary school through basically high school with), died in a car v. motorcycle accident. Apparently it was pretty ugly too. It happened right near Middletown High. He was riding the motorcycle, and these under 18 girls took a left turn onto Randolph from Farm Hill and hit Brandon...sent him flying into someone's yard. It's so sad. We weren't close, but it is very shocking to know someone that has died, especially so young. He's my age. It's insane. It's really freaky how often deaths in young people seem to be occurring. They seem so close in time to each other: Adrian Soares (another car accident), Erika Watson (hit by a car), the kid that got hit by a car on Hemenway during the riots, the kid that got shot by the guys that were coming after him freshman year, the kid that died in West C this summer, and now Brandon. It's just really shocking and so very sad. :(

I have still been stressing over homework and stuff. Everyone went out to a party tonight but I really wasn't in the mood at all. I stayed in and played DDR (I decided to DDR for at least an hour everyday, as a weight loss, work out plan) and do some work. I got some research done and also watched a little TV.

I was going to take Talia home tomorrow, which would have been awesome because it not only would have made sure I was up early and in time for the soccer game, but it would have given me a chance to hang out with Talia a bit. We both agreed that we haven't really seen enough of each other. I'm not sure how much it phases her, but it's no surprise how much it phases me. We talk a little bit while she's at work but then when she gets home I hardly ever see her. Not anyone's fault; our schedules just clash. She usually gets to hang out with Kyle a lot...he's taking her home tomorrow....which is cool, I guess.

I realized part of my problem as to why I'm so messed up sometimes is that I sometimes get jealous over stuff. It's all part of the reason, I think, that Talia gets wrongly bashed when I get in these funks...I tend to compare (especially relationships), and that's not really good. I'm working on it,'s not at all easy and I might need a little help, but I'm working on it.

I'm really tired now so I'm going to head to bed. Tomorrow is definitely a work day so I can golf Monday with little stress. I'm gonna try and hang a bit with the soccer team after the game tomorrow. Liz Dyjak, the captain, asked why I haven't been hanging out with them like I used to. It's because I try to get home to get work done and stuff (because I have so much and feel guilty when I'm not doing it...and have slacked a lot lately), but I want to hang out with them, so I'm going to try harder to do that. It's definitely nice that they miss me. :) I'm gonna end this post on that good note and smile. Good night. :)
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