I suppose it is time for an update. In general things are decent. However, I can't wait to go home. 18 days, 17 hours, 30 minutes until Thanksgiving break. Classes haven't exactly been going that great but they are not going horribly either. Registeration for Spring Semester classes is in a week or two. With the prompting of some friends I've finally got my next four years or so of classes planned out.
Unfortunately, I found that a double major in Business and Information Systems is just not going to happen. Too many classes plus 2 senior capstone projects. So instead I've decided to double major in Policy and Managment and Information Systems and then try to get into the accelerated masters programming for MISM (masters of Information Systems). More of the classes overlap. That way I'd have my two undergrad degrees and a M.S. in five years with a normal course load. It doesn't leave room for electives but that's not odd here. In fact I don't know anyone personally here that isn't double or triple majoring. There are some, but not many (at least in the technical majors- fine arts are different). Basically, I'd be done all my undergrad classes by the end of junior year except for the senior project and maybe one more class and then start working on the masters. At least 3 or 4 of my friends are also planning to do the MISM program so it should be fun.
On the non academic side, things are going well. My BB/McDonald's scheme is going well. My friend's and my plan to try a bunch of new restaurants is also going well. Random philosphophical discussion are going well. The weather is back to normal (rain) but there are a few sunny days. I have two websites I need to create but I don't know if I have time right now. I actually bought 3 DVDs (Donnie Darko, Moulin Rouge, The Dreamers). They were $5 and it's easier than getting them from um...other sources. On a random and unrelate note: If you haven't seen Serinity yet go see it now! No excuses, it's been out for a while. Ok, that's it. Back to homework.
Stolen from Belinda:
Pick a number between 1 and 2584 (number of songs in my iTunes library). I will tell you which song that is, and if you don't have it, I'll upload it for you. If you do, pick another number.
Information Systems and Public Policy and Management
Spring ‘06
21-256 Multivariate Analysis and Approximation 9 Units 67-250 The Information System Milieux 9 Units 88-223 Decision Analysis and Decision Support Systems9 Units 88-251 Empirical Research Methods9 Units 99-241 Revolutions of Circularity9 Units 45 Units
Fall ‘06
67-271 Fundamentals of Systems Development 9 Units 67-272 Application Design and Development9 Units 88-260 Organizations9 Units 88-220 Policy Analysis I9 Units 88-341 Organizational Communications9 Units 15-113 System Skills in C6 Units 51 Units
Spring ‘07
67-373 Software Development Project9 Units 88-221 Policy Analysis II9 Units 88-340 Econ of Entrepreneurship in High Tech Industries9 Units 88-347 Complex Tech Systems: Past, Present and Future9 Units 79-340 History of Modern Warfare9 Units xx-xxx Random General Education Category 2 Class9 Units 54 Units
Fall ‘07
67-245 Information Systems Applications 9 Units 88-222 Policy Analysis III 12 Units MISMMasters of Information Systems Courses ?? Units 21 Units
Spring ‘08
MISM Master of Information Systems Courses 54 Units 54 Units