Buy One, Get One Free

Dec 06, 2008 14:35

When i think of that phrase, i usually think of like, potato chips or whatever and NOT cars.

But that's how bad the economy is right now.

The economy is so bad, the dealerships are like "buy one, get one free" or even "get two free".

It's odd to hear, but kind of expected.
Because certain auto dealerships are still on the decline.

"The big three" went to Washington, again, but this time not on their huge corporate jets, but instead drove in little hybrid cars like good little boys.

Probably because the PR firms that represent them are like wtf are they doing?!

This time they're not asking for 25billion dollars but for 34billion dollars!
And they've even willing to sell their corporate jets and lower the rogue salaries.

That's so willing of them considering that they're completely fucked and they might not even make it to the end of the year unless we bail them out.

The thing is, even if we do bail them out, what's gonna happen?
New Chevy's and Ford's and GM's get made.
And they continue to make barely any profit from those crappy autos.

How is that going to help the economy?

Even though it is probably a big deal to keep those jobs in America, but it just looks like more trickle down.

What i believe the great policy should do is just go from the bottom, up.

Why bail out the companies that have policies that fucked up America in the first place when you can give it to the people.

The people have more money, they can go buy things.

When people buy things, companies stay in business.

When companies sell more things, they can afford to hire more people.

Now i'm not saying that i'm an economist in any sense.

But it seems that if you make a government work program.

Get a bunch of people to build a bunch of shit.

Then the people live and work in the shit that you just built.

Because the main idea is to employ people that are going to make things that are in demand.

That people will actually use and need.

The builders will get their money.

They spend their money at those new places that people work at.

Those business exist and thrive.

Providing jobs and money.

So why don't we just start building a bunch of shit with all this extra money we have? And when i say extra money, i mean the extra money Congress magically poofed in to existence.

Take that bail out money, start these new programs.

Don't bail out these companies that have terrible policies in the first place.

Because if we do bail them out, they're just going to continue doing what they were trying to do in the first place, building a product that people can't afford right now and that is not in demand.

The only thing they're doing is continuing to make crappy autos so you can drive to the unemployment office.

I don't care if you have to tear shit down and replace it.

You're improving quality of life and providing jobs.

Hospitals, schools, roads, homeless shelters.

So the people working for the companies that provide the supplies, get paid.

The people who are going to have to transport the supplies, those guys get paid.

It's a chain reaction sort of thing. A butterfly effect.

But then again, maybe this exists in a world where Walmart doesn't exist.

Which is a beautiful world, with a lot less plastic bags.


Speaking of Walmart though, remember that guy who got trampled to death? Well his family is mourning, the American way, by suing anyone possible!

And i say go for it! why not?
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