PHOAR my fannish dedication.

Aug 19, 2005 20:01

So today, I moved across the Atlantic and wrote a dogdaysofsummer drabble.

Sirius likes it when the wind churns the sea, likes throwing himself at the incoming waves. Almost lives for that one breathless moment when the crest keeps him suspended, hanging in the air. Feels a little bit like a god, Poseidon floating through the ocean. And when the wave crashes into the shore the deity falls from heaven, and Sirius is brought to his knees and slammed against the sand by the force of the watery impact.

Remus, meanwhile, floats serenely, further away from the shore. He doesn't let the waves push him about, goes up en pointe like a demented ballerina so that they just pass him by.

"Moony, come over here and play, damn it!" Sirius yells, although the last part of the message is indecipherably gargled when he is hit in the face by a wave.

"I don't like being slammed about," Remus calls out. He watches the waves get bigger, they always become more powerful the closer they get to the shore. "And you should get out here, sand gets everywhere when you do that. You'll get it in your arse."

"Bugger my arse, just come here!" And then Sirius' expression changes, becomes curious, devilish. "You could even come here AND bugger my arse. It'd be buggery with gentle rocking wave motion."

"We're in public, you pillock. Anyone can see, it's broad daylight."

"So we'll come after the sun sets. Go nightswimming and bugger each other."

Remus looks dubious. "Nightswimming? You really think my mother will buy that excuse?"

Sirius shrugs. "Gentle rocking wave motion, mate, just think about it," he says, and is thrown headlong against the shore by a particularly vicious crest of water.


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