R/S drabble 4

Aug 06, 2005 23:31

I missed a day... This is crossposted from dogdaysofsummer.

Perhaps a blowjob at noon wasn't the best idea, Remus thinks as he lies on the hidden, deserted stretch of beach Sirius has been trying to lure him to for the past two days. It takes his mind over twenty seconds to form that thought, because Sirius is doing something extremely interesting with his tongue. Though it could also be the heat. Remus feels like he's having a heart attack, or a stroke. The sun overhead is seared into the very back of his retinas. His heart is pumping in his chest, fast, too fast, and speeding up further by the second -- every beat is painful. For a moment, Remus wonders irrationally if ribs have ever been broken by excited hearts, can almost hear the cracking sound in his head. "Ss -- Sirius!" he gasps. He will surely die if he comes.

Sirius's only reply is a low laugh. Remus arches, then has to turn his head to the side to avoid looking straight into the sun. His fingers scrabble at the ground. This is it, he thinks. He shudders, exhales, and is blinded by the glare of light off the white sand.

For a few minutes, all is quiet, except for the harsh sound of breathing. Sirius's head lies heavily on Remus's thigh. "Christ, my back," Sirius moans, and rolls to the side.

Remus chuckles, almost vindictively. Sirius is going to have the sunburn of the century. "Serves you right for acting like a dog in heat," he wheezes. He is still feeling winded.

"But I am a dog in heat," Sirius counters, just as weakly. Lying in a sprawl of arms and legs and panting, he looks more like an aged jellyfish. "Buggering fuck, my knees hurt." Sure enough, his skin is crisscrossed with angry red patterns from kneeling in the sand. He turns his head to look at Remus. "My turn now?"

Remus groans. "Mercy!" He sits up, and tugs at Sirius's arm. "Just let's go drown ourselves first. At least it'll be cool."

Sirius moves with the speed of a turtle. "That sounds good too."

They help each other hobble into the water.


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