Grind it 'til you find it

Aug 23, 2007 20:35

I am now 0-2 at attending Clutch concerts in Milwaukee.

Somebody up there really doesn't want me to see this band. Not only did they get me sick for no apparent reason last night (I countered with powerful decongestants and an early bedtime, and was ready for action today) but they conjured up a huge barrage of tornadoes and thunderstorms to prevent me from leaving the city, which erupted out of nowhere shortly before I left work.

After two hours on the road I hadn't even made it to O'Hare yet, and the radio had nothing but portents of doom and destruction for points north, with yet another round of severe weather set to hit later in the evening. At that point, doors were opening at the club and it was doubtful I'd even make it out of the city by the time Clutch took the stage. I know when I'm licked, so I turned around.

And this time I don't even get my frelling money back. Sigh.

--- Ajax.

milwaukee, clutch, travel, weather, stupid shit

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