Stalker Meme ... ?

Apr 26, 2005 07:15


Stalkers are twats. A cautionary tale from ajat.

shiv5468 is stalking ajat

shiv5468’s REAL name :
Eusebia Kinealy

shiv5468’s REAL DOB :
26th June 1978

Height :179 cm
Weight : 67.3 kg

shiv5468 has dreamt about you :
7 times

shiv5468 became interested in you :
18th January 2004

shiv5468’s latest dream about you

You are on a golfcourse with shiv5468 and your tormentor is showing you kinky new ways to make use of the putter.

This is how shiv5468 describes your relationship behind your back

‘I thought it was love. But obviously it wasn’t. ajat told me that never wanted to see me ever again. Suicide is the only option now. Goodbye sweet world.’

shiv5468’s been stealing stuff from your house too.

Since meeting ajat in , shiv5468 has managed to collect around 10 of ajat’s old TV remotes.

They’ve even started modifying their body for you

shiv5468 made the bizarre decision to have one of their eyeball’s removed especially for you.

They sent the following message to you in a Valentines

God want’s us to be together. He told me last night. He said that if you refute my love than I have the right to scald you with piping hot tap water.

The Police

No. calls to the police :
28 times

Your Last Call to The Police

"Hello look this is a bit embarassing, I have a stalker who keeps trying to climb over our perimeter fencing and they seem to have become impaled on it again. Could you please send someone over to check it out? Thanks."

shiv5468’s Police File

shiv5468 can be quite pleasant when it’s not trying to gouge peoples eyes out with a plastic fork.

Testimonies about shiv5468

flirtyberry - A deformed enuch

‘I’m completely fucking gutted to hear about all of this. I always liked shiv5468. Are you sure you’re accusing the right person?’

amber_dragon_64 - Dull O Dull

‘It just goes to show that the world is full of sick, twisted perverts. I’m gonna fucking kill shiv5468!’

lilian_cho - Eats everything.

‘I’m sure if you were to look up useless in the dictionary you would see a picture of shiv5468 right beside the definition.’


Stalked again, a rant by ajat.

deepa_binga is stalking ajat

deepa_binga’s REAL name :
Ezekiel Cocks

deepa_binga’s REAL DOB :
25th July 1977

Height :169 cm
Weight : 100.0 kg

deepa_binga has dreamt about you :
18 times

deepa_binga became interested in you :
17th May 2002

deepa_binga’s latest dream about you

deepa_binga and ajat make passionate love on a condom strewn beach in Belgium to the sound of George Michael’s Careless Whisper playing in the distance.

This is how deepa_binga describes your relationship behind your back

‘ajat phoned the police on me again last night. I’m going to go around tonight and finish her off with my hunting knife.’

deepa_binga’s been stealing stuff from your house too.

A thick ball of your own ungroomed pubic yarn.

They’ve even started modifying their body for you

deepa_binga made the bizarre decision to have one of their eyeball’s removed especially for you.

They sent the following message to you in a Valentines

Hold me my sweet angel and I shall forever be faithful. Well until you get old and ugly of course. Then it’ll be a completely different matter.

The Police

No. calls to the police :
16 times

Your Last Call to The Police

"Hi, police? Yeah, I’d like to report a crime. Some mad fuckers just shovelled shit into our mailbox. I think it’s this person I know from the internet called deepa_binga. Yeah, real mad son of a bitch. Can’t seem to understand that I just don’t like ‘em."

deepa_binga’s Police File

deepa_binga is a convicted stalker who will re-offend. Particularly if they have access to the internet and I feel sorry for the poor son of a bitch who catches the attention of this crazed motherfucker.

Testimonies about deepa_binga

barriequark - An overly camp drama queen

‘Uncool and unhip deepa_binga is just plain shit!’

cordeliadelayne - Stone dead tripper

‘I always knew there was something different about deepa_binga. I’m alway suspicious of people who become aroused upon watching barnyard animals give birth.’

lelycanthrope - Drunken Posse

‘I’m completely fucking gutted to hear about all of this. I always liked deepa_binga. Are you sure you’re accusing the right person?’

katie_malfoy - Sister Stabatha

‘Neurotic, depressing and royally fucked up are only three of the possible phrases I could use to describe both deepa_binga and ajat. Chances are ajat’s just made all of this shit up again.’

me, stalking meme, crak

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