I made up a pudding with whatever I had at hand !

Jan 22, 2006 08:09


Spicy Apple ‘n Date Pudding.

A cup o’ wholemeal flour
Half teaspoon ground nutmeg
Half teaspoon ground cinnamon
Half teaspoon salt
3/4 teaspoon baking powder

Half a cup sugar (with dry stuff - mix thoroughly)
Date molasses (with liquid stuff - warm slowly with the butter to melt and mix smoothly.)

3/4 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon plain yoghurt
Half teaspoon ground ginger
1 cup finely chopped apple and dates, stewed well with 1/4 cup sugar
1 large egg
Half a teaspoon thick dissolved coffee (leave this out if using molasses)
Half cup full-cream milk
Mix very very well !

Pour liquid mix into dry mix slowly while mixing thoroughly.

Pour in greased microwave-proof covered cake-tin.

1 mt. on high.
3 mts. on medium.
9-10 mts. on low.

Take out and open cover.

Decorate according to taste (jam, cream, chocolate flakes, everything and anything you can think of).

Cover, let sit till coolish.


Le YUM !

EDIT --- Also - can be added --- mace, green / small cardamom and large black cardamom powders.


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