... from
carlanime ...
Your Score : House Lannister
72% Dominant, 27% Extroverted, 63% Trustworthy
Confident. Dangerous. Unrelentingly sexy. The master of all you survey, you are of House Lannister.
You are a dominant personality-and how ! When someone asks “and who are you, the proud lord said, that I should bow so low ?” your response is probably, “FUCK YOU ! I’m a fucking LANNISTER, that’s who the HELL I am !” And then you’d pimp-slap them with your golden hand. All joking aside, you view leadership as your natural, god-given right ; it is a trait, just like your golden curling hair and irresistible sex appeal. It’s who you are-a Lannister.
You are introverted, meaning that you prefer to keep your ambitions and devices to yourself. Unfortunately, your personality is so vivacious that (despite all your intended secrecies) you are still a very obvious person. Though no one knows what avenues you will travel, your destination is clear to all. And of course, yours is a road to greatness ! You have a magnetic, polarizing personality: people either love you or hate you. They also probably find you exceedingly intimidating. Their fear is probably well-placed.
Finally, you are trustworthy. Does this surprise you ? Remember your unofficial motto : “A Lannister always pays his debts.” Though you enjoy keeping secrets and playing games, everyone knows you are a major player. Underhanded tactics are so expected from you that they don’t particularly count as untrustworthyness-it’s more of a family legacy than a choice. Your promise is as good as the gold that you shit.
Representative characters include : Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, and Tywin Lannister
Similar Houses : Greyjoy, Stark, and Targaryen
Opposite House : Tyrell
When playing the game of thrones, you play it balls to the wall.
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The Song of Ice and Fire House Test written by
Geeky_Stripper on
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The Dating Persona Test Hmm ... ... Consistent ...
Do stuff begin getting set to default if not regularly redirected ? *worries*
Well, whatever ...... PTerry's 'Making Money' coming out tomorrow ! YAY !!
And 'm Zombie-isH watching way too many cricket matches Laaaaaate at nights ... *Nodding off momentarily at intervals*