A Year Ends.

Dec 31, 2006 13:28


Year - end.
Interesting year. Yes. Definitely.

First --- Thank You - s in chronological order : -

Thanks so very much and Cuddles and GlompZ to each one of those wonderful people who I consider my friends, just for Being.

sugarplumkitten Can't be thanked enough *ClingZ* for the innumerable AR - fixes, the vox-invite, the pictures she sent over on my request … *Squeezieeeeeee*

A huge thanks to beren_writes for running adventdrabbles. I'm going to ask permission to friend her. *Smirk* She scores as slytherin. *Smirk Smirk* 'm partial to slytherin - scorers.

regressami, Thank You for those piccies. And you should have a good year coming up. Go you !

arrmaitee, Thank you for that 'Pint of Special Brew' ! Really, really enjoyed that. *Grin* All I can offer in return is this, which might, or might not, be to your liking …

ceboholic, Thanks so much for the confirmation that voting age in UK is 18. Add to that your strange resemblance to the young Dark Lord, and well, I feel you're rather … Special ! … inspite of some of your rather Odd ideas about education … HaHaHa !!!

And in the Stocking !

lilian_cho, What a lovely gift ! Thank you so much ! *CuddleZ CuddleZ*

foudebassan, AWWWWWWWW ! *Jumps and cuddles blushing gift*

syntaxia, A marvellous pair of gifts from you. Hee ! Thank you verrra much ! *Huggles*

mensabuttercup, WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ! *SwoonZ*

dolorous_ett, AWWWWWWWW ! *Jumps and cuddles blushing giftZ*

wellinghall, Hee ! Got it ! YAY !!!!! *SqueezieeeeeeeE*

psychostace, Great ! I have a girl-named-Biffy to keep her company. Should be good. Tresco was pretty peaceful when Biffy was at Somerset. *Snort* … Girl-named-Biffy … *Snorfle*

Eddie, baby, you're quite fascinating.


lowlands_girl, A wonderfully thoughtful and kind gift ! *Cuddles*

si51, Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh ! *Cuddles*
However, I fear that the two of us in close juxtaposition on the same mass of land is a very, very bad idea ! *Snorfle*

deepa_binga, Thanks for the tasty gift ! Here's hoping you have a wonderful year. *Huggles*

ninamalfoy, OMG WHEEEEEEE ! *Jumps and cuddles blushing giftZ*

bia22, Thanks *Cuddle* Thanks !!!!!! Oooooh, Ashy ! Oooooh, Bouchie ! Oooooh, Herschie ! Oooooh, Georgie ! Oooooh, Polly ! Oooooh, Kempie ! *Tosses dice for first choice* *Doesn't look at dice* *Kidnaps Ashy*

reedpipe, Yum ! Stephen ! I mean Billy darling ! Yummmmmmmm ! The handsomest man ever born, that one. Yum !

dementordelta, Thank you so much ! *iZ all Loopy* Hee !

pervert_bitch, Aha ! Yum ! *Slurp* *Gets ready to be as voyeuristic as possible*

cill_ros, Yum ! And Thank You ! *Huggles* Wonderful gifts !

vampyreangel, Aah ! Thanks so much ! *Feels all warm and Dumbledorish* *Gives you same gift in whatever colour you like*

Let's get on, then …

A net count of 1 personal lj-acc, 1 rp one, 3 comms - of which 2 are currently mostly asleep (I fear they might have to be closed if things go on as they are going on …), a vox acc, and a gj-acc.

Many of the essential emails done. If these don't yield proper results within a fortnight, then they will be re-sent, to harsher places …

An icon I made just now for olivegreengarb :-

On the plus side, I feel I shall soon be able to remove at least one filter from this account. I do so hate filtering posts.

I had to create this particular filter because I was attacked by multiple people in certain lj-comms (and behind my back in their own lj-s) because I asked a few questions --- questions that were not to the liking of the attackers, but which were (and still are) extremely pertinent to the running of said lj-communities. A great pity that they attacked me. I really feel that before one attacks someone else, one really should have a fair estimate of the intended victim's response to the intended attacks. It would be utterly moronic if one expected to go up against a martyr or a wimp and ended up against someone like Havelock Vetinari, or Noor-Jehan, or Aurangzeb, or Chanakya …
So, a great pity.

Incidentally, and not really unrelatedly, a thought comes to mind --- since I am rarely given to either diatribes or gloating (with the deeply ingrained idea that these are an utter waste of time and energy), then it is perhaps odd that I score 100% in this quiz ? I wonder …
On the other hand, it's definitely in keeping that I score well as Havelock Vetinari

Also, I am still totally confused about how being a PhD can possibly impress people


*Note :-

Sign of the Summoning Dark

'[Summoning Dark] … a quasi-demonic entity that is untold millions of years old … an invisible and very powerful quasi-demonic thing of pure vengeance …'
[- Havelock Vetinari]

When I read PTerry's 'Thud', I thought this was a figment of PTerry's magnificent imagination. But it might just be possible that this is not so. There could be a basis for this in reality.


And then …

I have one fic and another set of fics to finish, and will be able to restart on them next month.

Of late, I have been unable to frequent quite a number of the comms I've joined for personal reasons which are leaving me without sufficient time. I'm hoping that will change towards a little more time for me to go into these comms.

And ofcourse, all those pending comments and stuff --- yes, I have time to answer them all now.

From tomorrow, then.

vox, slytherin, trolls defined, cowards, me, stalkers, gj, thieving, justice, finality, comments and replies, stoneface ii, esme, ajatshatru, intj, stephen boyd, pterry, values, xmas stocking, vishnugupta, trolls, bullies defined, bullies, lj, chanakya, aries, liars, real life, gift

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