Year - end.
Interesting year. Yes. Definitely.
First --- Thank You - s in chronological order : -
Thanks so very much and Cuddles and
GlompZ to each one of those wonderful people who I consider my
friends, just for Being.
sugarplumkitten Can't be thanked enough *ClingZ* for the innumerable AR - fixes, the vox-invite, the pictures she sent over on my request … *Squeezieeeeeee*
A huge thanks to
beren_writes for running
adventdrabbles. I'm going to ask permission to friend her. *Smirk* She scores as slytherin. *Smirk Smirk* 'm partial to slytherin - scorers.
regressami, Thank You for
those piccies. And you should have a good year coming up. Go you !
arrmaitee, Thank you for that 'Pint of Special Brew' ! Really, really enjoyed that. *Grin* All I can offer in return
is this, which might, or might not, be to your liking …
ceboholic, Thanks so much for the
confirmation that voting age in UK is 18. Add to that your strange resemblance to the young Dark Lord, and well,
I feel you're rather … Special ! … inspite of some of your rather Odd ideas about education … HaHaHa !!!
And in the
Stocking !
lilian_cho, What a lovely gift ! Thank you so much ! *CuddleZ CuddleZ*
foudebassan, AWWWWWWWW ! *Jumps and cuddles blushing gift*
syntaxia, A marvellous pair of gifts from you. Hee ! Thank you verrra much ! *Huggles*
mensabuttercup, WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ! *SwoonZ*
dolorous_ett, AWWWWWWWW ! *Jumps and cuddles blushing giftZ*
wellinghall, Hee !
Got it ! YAY !!!!! *SqueezieeeeeeeE*
psychostace, Great ! I have a girl-named-Biffy to keep her company. Should be good. Tresco was pretty peaceful when Biffy was at Somerset. *Snort* … Girl-named-Biffy … *Snorfle*
Eddie, baby, you're quite fascinating.
lowlands_girl, A wonderfully thoughtful and kind gift ! *Cuddles*
si51, Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh ! *Cuddles*
However, I fear that the two of us in close juxtaposition on the same mass of land is a very, very bad idea ! *Snorfle*
deepa_binga, Thanks for the tasty gift ! Here's hoping you have a wonderful year. *Huggles*
ninamalfoy, OMG WHEEEEEEE ! *Jumps and cuddles blushing giftZ*
bia22, Thanks *Cuddle* Thanks !!!!!! Oooooh, Ashy ! Oooooh, Bouchie ! Oooooh, Herschie ! Oooooh, Georgie ! Oooooh, Polly ! Oooooh, Kempie ! *Tosses dice for first choice* *Doesn't look at dice* *Kidnaps Ashy*
reedpipe, Yum ! Stephen ! I mean Billy darling ! Yummmmmmmm ! The handsomest man ever born, that one. Yum !
dementordelta, Thank you so much ! *iZ all Loopy* Hee !
pervert_bitch, Aha ! Yum ! *Slurp* *Gets ready to be as voyeuristic as possible*
cill_ros, Yum ! And Thank You ! *Huggles* Wonderful gifts !
vampyreangel, Aah ! Thanks so much ! *Feels all warm and Dumbledorish* *Gives you same gift in whatever colour you like*
Let's get on, then …
A net count of 1 personal lj-acc, 1 rp one, 3 comms - of which 2 are currently mostly asleep (I fear they might have to be closed if things go on as they are going on …), a
vox acc, and
a gj-acc.
Many of the essential emails done. If these don't yield proper results within a fortnight, then they will be re-sent, to harsher places …
An icon I made just now for
olivegreengarb :-
On the plus side, I feel I shall soon be able to remove at least one filter from this account. I do so hate filtering posts.
I had to create this particular filter because I was attacked by multiple people in certain lj-comms (and behind my back in their own lj-s) because I asked a few questions --- questions that were not to the liking of the attackers, but which were (and still are) extremely pertinent to the running of said lj-communities. A great pity that they attacked me. I really feel that before one attacks someone else, one really should have a fair estimate of the intended
victim's response to the intended attacks. It would be utterly moronic if one expected to go up against a martyr or a wimp and ended up against someone like Havelock Vetinari, or Noor-Jehan, or Aurangzeb, or Chanakya …
So, a great pity.
Incidentally, and not really unrelatedly, a thought comes to mind --- since I am rarely given to either diatribes or gloating (with the deeply ingrained idea that these are an utter waste of time and energy), then it is perhaps odd that I score 100% in
this quiz ? I wonder …
On the other hand, it's definitely in keeping that
I score well as Havelock Vetinari …
Also, I am still totally confused about
how being a PhD can possibly impress people …
*Note :-
Sign of the Summoning Dark
'[Summoning Dark] … a quasi-demonic entity that is untold millions of years old … an invisible and very powerful quasi-demonic thing of pure vengeance …'
[- Havelock Vetinari]
When I read PTerry's 'Thud', I thought this was a figment of PTerry's magnificent imagination. But it might just be possible that this is not so. There could be a basis for this in reality.
And then …
I have one fic and another set of fics to finish, and will be able to restart on them next month.
Of late, I have been unable to frequent quite a number of the comms I've joined for personal reasons which are leaving me without sufficient time. I'm hoping that will change towards a little more time for me to go into these comms.
And ofcourse, all those pending comments and stuff --- yes, I have time to answer them all now.
From tomorrow, then.