1. Where is your dream vacation, what does it involve ?
Among the hills in Kalimpong
Near the golden beach in Puri.
2. Who or what is your favourite singer/band, and your reasons for liking them ?
Mohammed Rafi.
Because I've never ever heard
anyone sing as well as
him, and never will, 'm sure.
(The 1st link is to a song, the 2nd to the same one too, but at a different site where downloadability expires on the 26th, the 3rd to a biography-ish page copied from the original copied into the 4th linked-page …)
3. What is your favourite musical instrument to play/ listen to ?
played by
Pandit Shivkumar Sharma 4. What is your favourite quote, can be from anywhere/anyone ?
'So would I, if I were you.'
I've used it in this icon,
and the quote's originally by
5. In your opinion (always a great start) do emo/death/suicide type songs actually have an influence on people ?
In my opinion, such music certainly could have an influence over the people --- actually the brain, because sound waves definitely do have an effect on the brain. The effect appears to be compounded when there's both music and words.
For example, I always find 'Danse Macabre' somewhat disturbing to listen to. Liszt is always enervating, and Mozart is simply beautiful. Kieren Fahy and Brad Prevodoros are 2 of my personal favourites, with their instrumental Celtic music, and the latter intersperses the guitar with sea and other nature sounds, which is just Sublime !