I know I've got a couple of writer friends who occasionally read this, so I'm going to pose a question or two:
What questions do you ask your characters when you're creating them? Do you run down a laundry list kind of thing (which sort of appeals to me) or do you just barrell into the story and see what shakes out (this also appeals to me, but I've had some real trouble with it)? If you have the laundry list, does that help when you're working through the story? I can see how it would, but does that then limit you in some way? If you go the other way and you run into a corner, how do you get out of it?
When you're plotting, how far do you plot? Halfway? Three-quarters or completely? Where do you leave room for improv or just surprising yourself? Are you a slave to your plot?
Anyone who writes anything, please post and let me know what you do. I'm just looking for a diversity of opinions. (I know, I know, I should go to
The Engine and ask, but I'm too bloody scared to do that. [And that's a whole other can of worms for me, too, that I have to get over at this stage. I think with a moderate success on my terms, that will help...])