
May 23, 2010 10:32

I've been mostly off the internet this week, but I've been busy. Lots to do, lots to do. Tuesday was the overwhelmingly fun author chat at The Penny Dreadful, and you can read the transcript here. You remember, of course, that TPD syndicates my stories and there's no charge to you to check them out through the fine site. You might also discover other writers who tickle your fancy.

What I've been thinking about and researching how to build characters. I need to get more deeply into the psyches of the people I want to put in terrible situations in order to deepen the resonances I want to create. Seems simple and like something I should've been doing all along, but to this point I've just been writing.

By writing, I mean just putting one word after another with only some concern about developing character. I guess I was only concerned with plot, moving the story forward. To some degree I was successful, to other degrees not so much. But I learned, and that's how I learn best, by doing.

So though it seems like I'm moving backward, it's really only sidewise. I hope it's enough that I'm trying, that I'm writing and writing and writing to get better. I don't keep track of the hours I spend writing, only the word counts from the programs I'm using.

Now that it's technically summer and I'm done writing The Long Range (but it's not done appearing online, so don't worry) I'm setting my goals for the rest of the year and the future. I'll share them once I've got everything all lined out, because, hey, we're all friends here, right? The Long Range has been a lot of fun to write, to explore and to create. I'll write some notes up about the experience in August or so, once everything's done running for the first time.

For reference, this space ( is public, as is my Twitter feed ( and I'm on Facebook, too, but that's a little more private. Seems odd to do things that way, but it makes sense if you look at it in a certain way, with the light in front of you and squinting to see through the flashes.

More to come, folks. I just don't want to take up your time any more. Have a nice Sunday and I'll see you all soon.

writing, narrative record

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