Really, stuff I've ordered lately that came delivered (almost) to my door:
We Love Golf for the Wii. It's got irritating 'helpers' and is way more complicated than the Wii Sports version of Golf, but it's fun. The gameplay isn't as 'real-time' as the Wii Sports version either, it takes a minute for the game to catch up to my swing, but maybe it's just me getting used to it. Probably a little more like REAL golfing than the other. Still, I wish it was just as easy.
Crossing Midnight volumes 1 - 3 because
Rob said I'd like it. I'll let you know after I read the whole thing. I just finished The Irregulars by Jennet Conant and I'm switching gears for a while going from non-fiction to graphic novels. After this batch comes a Charlie Huston book, Caught Stealing.
The Shepard Fairey Obama Inauguration posters came today, too. They look really nice although they were packaged stupidly in a cardboard tube. They could've done better, but I'm glad to have them.
Doc Savage: Fortress of Solitude / The Devil Genghis from
Nostalgia Ventures. These are beautiful double-sized reprints of the pulp classic stories. Hurry, though, they've lost the license to print Doc stories, and the Shadow pulps they were reprinting, too. You get a free book when you order something. So I'm looking forward to finally reading the John Sunlight stories that came with a BEAUTIFUL James Bama cover on it.
That's all for now. The 'Hawks are back on.