Dec 08, 2008 00:37
- 05:23 Awake, tripping over the cats who are excited to have company. Must finish Castle today for inclusion in PL 'zine. #
- 08:25 Damn sinus infection. Slept hard for nearly three more hours. Now I'm filed with headfuzz. I'm gonna be useless for a while longer today. #
- 09:32 Today is finishing one story then setting up the external hard drive. Fighting through the headfuzz is like swimming in cotton batting. #
- 14:36 External drive set and backing up old computer. Now I write! #
- 18:05 @ MarlanHarris "headfuzz" = head full of snot with a NyQuil hangover. Yes, It's enjoyable beyond all reason, you should try it. #
- 19:50 Done with a draft of new story "Castle on the River". Needs tweaking, but won't start that 'til Wednesday. Need a couple days off. #
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