Feb 18, 2009 14:50
Here's just a little something I'm doing to get it off my chest. This is a list of problems I have with friends and loved ones and "friends" in only one sentence. Also, I won't be using any names. Doing this for me. Some of these are from people on my LJ, some aren't.
I hope you're not making a mistake, because it sounds like it.
I miss you without her.
You're an annoying piece of shit.
I miss and worry about you and think you need to lose some weight.
You're flaky as fuck and I hate it.
I think you only talk to hear your voice.
You always were a bitch, we don't miss you. Goodbye.
Get the hell out of there already.
Grow up.
You can be a dick, but people really overexaggerate the "problem."
You're too much of a crazy-bitch woman sometimes.
It's bullshit that you come to me to get your problems off your chest, I at the very LEAST reply, but if I profess my problems to you, I don't hear from you again until there's another problem in your life.
You say I'm a great friend for being there for you, but all the times I'm obviously upset, don't try to do the same for me.
Things are really fucked up here and I don't know if they'll get back to where I want them.
And, with that, I'm done. ESPECIALLY since this song just came up (See Music for details).