all hell broke loose

Apr 20, 2009 21:56


I'm still coming to terms with the fact that i was right there.

The convention was in Sydney, and i took my friend Tom with me because he loves the show so i knew he'd appreciate getting to know the people behind Supernatural. When we first arrived we could see giant flashes, and realised the photo ops must have started. After skimming the merchandise we followed the flashes and realised Misha was getting his photos done! We sidled along the closest merch table and ended upright next the the person at the front of the line for photos. There was literally only one staff member, a camera and a photographer between us and Misha: 3 or 4 metres total. AND THEN HE SMILED RIGHT AT ME. I was waiting for my legs to fail. Then he wanted to ask the staff member a question and came so close - he was like 1 metre away from me =| I couldn't believe he was standing right there.

After his photos finished, Tom and myself went back around the merch tables, and i ended up buying two badges and a mug.

When panels weren't on, episodes were being played in the auditorium on a huge screen, which i thought was awesome. It was so cool to watch the show so big! I missed Lazarus Rising, but over the course of the day we watched "Its The Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester", "Tall Tales", "Yellow Fever" and "Mystery Spot". "Mystery Spot" in particular meant a lot to be so watch there. Its something special when you get to watch possibly your favourite episode of the show on such a big screen. Anyway, we found our seats and they were AMAZING. Fifth row, not too far off centre.

For some reason cameras have a natural tendency to zoom out. We were slightly closer than it appears here

The rest of the room

My friend Tom loves the show, but he's not really involved in fandom, so i didn't realise what it would be like for him to suddenly be thrust into the most fandom-esque place there is. He was quite overwhelmed by everyone, and i think he was further shocked when he realised i as just like them LOL. At one point there was a quiz while we were waiting for Jared to come out, and i missed the beginning of it, but when i came back Tom said to me that the people here were crazy! I asked him why, and he said it was because they knew everything. I didn't follow why it was weird, so he asked me a question, and when i gave the right answer he said "you're crazy too!" hahaha. So it was an eye-opener for him, but i really loved being in the middle of people just as "crazy" as me. I felt really to home, to be honest.


I have always loved Misha - truly. But i love him so much more right now. He's adorable! A music video was played about Castiel before he came out, and that was pretty good. Then the host got on stage and introduced him, and rather than just walk right out, he poked his head through the door and looked at us LOL. It was funny hahaha. Then he came up properly and the screaming was unbeliveable. Even though the crowd was smaller, i felt like i was back in Acer Arena in front of Fall Out Boy. The amount of girls was amazing hahaha.

  • When he arrived on stage, he declared that he felt like he should be teaching us hahaha (it was an actual lecture theatre).
  • The computer chair given to the guest was a swivelling computer chair, and Misha was so amused by it when he came out haha. He twirled it from side to side for about a minute quite happily. At one question he actually spun himself right around and then stopped short when facing the audience, launching right into the answer hahaha. It was so funny. One of the girls at the front of my section had a question and none of the staff members running around with microphones were close to her so Misha just made his way over. He was so close again! When he returned to the stage and sat on the chair he had to steady himself on the table because it just kept turning lol!
  • He had a water bottle which he was trying to unscrew in his hand, and coupled with the microphone, he said "I'm holding too many things", shortly followed by "can i have a table... and a pony" LOL. Not a moment later a tall skinny table was brought to him so he could lean things on it haha.
  • One of the ongoing jokes of the panel ended up being Castiel's ponies haha. Someone asked what Misha's favourite memory on set was, but he mistook it as he favourite memory overall, and said he'd been thinking of his childhood. Then somebody yelled out "when he had a pony", which sent Misha into laughing fits for a couple of minutes. It was so cute! Hahaha. Later on Misha brought up Castiel's invisible ponies who are apparently always on the show; they're just invisible.
  • The other ongoing joke was about how Cas is apparently a wuss hahahaha. Misha gave his mic to someone in the audience a second time, and when they said that he seemed to get beaten up a lot he tried to snatch it back lol! He translated the question as "Why is Castiel such a wuss?" He said he always looked forward to seeing fight scenes, and then it always ended with Castiel on the ground hahaha. He thought it was weird how he could handle getting stabbed with a knife up to the hilt, but a right jab gets him; he concluded with "an insult must really finish him off" HAHAHAHA.
  • This discussion continued when a question came up about Castiel's powers. Misha said they haven't seen anyone weaker than Cas, so he's the lowest we've seen yet lol. Although he said, Castiel does seem to have some impressive powers with washing and mending his clothes haha. He was later asked about hobbies and somebody yelled out "sewing", and he followed up with "darning especially" hahaha.
  • When asked about his acting method, Misha answered, "Well i begin by pretending. To be an angel."
  • One person asked him if, since he's so funny, he's every considered stand-up. Misha was silent for a minute, then said "I'm considering it now" lol.
  • Someone asked if Jared had played any pranks on Misha, and he reported that apparently Jared thought he was too much of a wuss to take it hahaha.
  • Misha said he thought 4x18 was the best episode of the season so far, especially because (while pointing) "it involved you!". He said he emailed the writers a lot saying he thought the script he'd just read was the best one yet; he's done it so many times haha.
  • If Misha wasn't playing Castiel, he would like to play Dean ;)
  • When he got the part of Castiel, Misha went back and watched the show because he hadn't seen it, and after watching a few episodes he began to have nightmares for a while lol! Aw.
  • A question came up about whether or not Castiel's character would exist if the writer's strike hadn't diverted the original plot. I think its common knowledge that originally Sam was going to develop his powers in season 3 and Dean was never going to go to Hell. Misha thought it funny that the strike may have actually helped him get work. He also told us Eric told him that he'd come up with the angel arc in the bathroom LOL. Oh Eric.
  • Apparnenly 4x18;s "simpatico" exists! Misha thought it would be funny to stalk a fan hahhahaha.
  • One fan asked if Misha was excited about Castiel's character development in terms of his approach to emotions and the way he is being affected by being around humans, evident in the slight smirk he gave in 4x18. Misha said he was really enjoying it, and thought it hilarious that we paid attention to closely. All he has to do if give the tiniest little hint of a smirk and we're all like "Castiel's mixing it up!" hahahahaha.
  • Misha would cast Hannah Montana was Lucifer HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHA.
  • Somebody commented on how Misha must be a really good actor because in real life he's so funny, but Castiel is such a serious character. Misha just stared for about ten seconds and then said "i am a very serious person" LOL.
  • At the end of the panel, Misha picked up the huge bag of fantales next to his chair and began throwing handfuls out at the audience lol! It was raining down on the front sections. For anyone who doesn't know, fantales are small chocolate-covered caramels with celebrity trivia on the wrappers.

Jared's panel was honeslty one of the highlights of my life. Easily my favourite part of the day. I know i blab on about him on a superficial level a lot (hahaha, who can deny it), but as a person he's the celebrity i admire most. He's so beautiful. I was so excited to se him in real life; he's just amazing. And there were so many distinctly Jared moments during the panel. I felt blessed to witness them - him - with my own eyes. And i would like to point out, he was wearing the black shirt!! =D =D I love this shirt haha.

  • The first thing i thought of when i saw the computer chair, even before Misha's panel, was what Jared's reaction would be. I just knew he'd want to play with it, and play he did hahahahah. He sat down and immediately began spinning on it. Then he began to lower it and lift it again, then lower it. And he said he'd be doing it for the whole panel hahahahaha.
  • Jared said he felt like a professor being on the stage haha.
  • The photo above shows him inspecting the bag of fantales, and due to his notorious sweet tooth, dove right in LOL. Well poor Jared was picking the caramel out of his teeth for the entire panel LOL. At one point he finally exclaimed "this is ridiculous!" and even turned his back to us in embarrassment to try and get it all out *loves*. But he didn't learn his lesson at all; he went back for more during the whole panel! HAhaha. One particular fan said she wanted to tell him a story so he quickly grabbed for another fantale as he wouldn't have to talk for a few minutes lol! And then after she was done, he asked if anyone else had any stories so he could continue to eat and pick his teeth without interrupting his own speech HAHA. He threw a few out at the crowd at the beginning of his panel, and they went right to the back!
  • Like Misha, Jared offered his mic to one of the girls in the front row so she could ask her question, and when she went to grab it Jared said in a flat voice "Don't touch my mic" LOL. It was so funny hahaha. It was the exact tone i've heard in so many other convention videos: i was excited to hear it in real life.
  • One fan right at the back wanted to ask a question and Jared shielded his eyes because he said the lights were so bright. Immediately the lights were dimmed which entertained Jared greatly haha. Then he said "everyone just got a lot better looking" HAHAHAHA. That was really funny.
  • One of my favourite moments of the panel. A fan asked if he'd ever been mistaken for another celebrity, and he said just a few days ago he had been in San Fransisco buying a coffee at Starbucks. The girl serving was so nervous and he was trying to tell her its ok (aww). There were two guys in the back; the first asked who it was, and the second replied "i think its Zac Efron!" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. THAT IS SOO FUNNY. And then the guy says that he didn't think Zac had so much facial hair! Hahhahahaha. Good lord. I loved that story. Jared was laughing so hard too. It was awesome.
  • Somebody asked him how the hell he managed to get in those RedBull derby cars LOL. Jared said getting in was fine, but getting out was not so heroic. When he first arrived, the guys working there were like "are you a celebrity or something?" hahaha. He said they were hyped up on Red Bull ;) And there was a crash in the first race which got he and Jensen more nervous! But JAred told the guys to push him really hard so he could win lol!
  • Out of all the female characters in the show, Jared would date Dean Winchester AHAHA. He then added the Shtriga from 1x18 lol. I thought that was a silly question; god bless Jared for the way his mind works - he answered it perfectly.
  • One person asked Jared where he was hoping the story would go in the future, and Jared just said "to Hawaii" Ahahaha! He later elaborated on the actual plot moving towards the brothers going head to head (he realy enjoys that conflict) but i thought the first answer was golden.
  • Something i found really interesting was that Jared said he did actually work with the boy playing young!Sam, helping to get the mannerisms right. I always thought young!Sam did a particularly awesome job, and it was good to hear that effor had been put into it.
  • Somebody wanted to give Jared the Aussie Chant, so the whole room exploded with it lol! Jared look enthralled. At the end of his panel he spontaneously yelled "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!" so we could respond to him lol! I think he really wanted to give it a go himself.
  • I remember the girl that told Jared a story wanted to show him her tattoo on her leg. As she was coming up to the stage, Jared asked "Leg isn't Australia for something else is it?" LOL. That was one of my favourite comments as well. So Jared.
  • When he told us the story of how he broke his arm, the room gave a collective "aww" which Jared loved lol! So he pulled a sad face so we would all do it again hahahahaha. He said he loved a crowd that gave him such reactions.
  • A young fan asked if Jared had had any fangirl/fanboy moments, and Jared said "no", shortly followed by "are you offering?" HAHA.
  • Somebody asked when he thought of Sam's character movement, and Jared explained it really well, quoting the line "eeryone is the hero f their own story". So Sam believes that its up to him; he thinks he's the one that needs to be able to do it, so he's working towards being strong enough because he thinks he can get there.
  • At the end of Jared's panel there was an auction for a tshirt he was going to sign, and during the bidding Jared just spent the whole time drawing lol! He put the shirt on right away which earned screams from the crowd, then he yelled back "you're supposed to scream when i wake it off!" Lol! And to up the bidding, he kept wiping it on his face to get sweaty hahahaah! It was hilarious. He drew himself, Jensen, the stick drawing from 3x05, and a fantale aha.

Before Jensen came out they played the Eye of the Tiger clip for honestly, the second or third time that day haha. Everyone was cheering and clapping - it was really cool. Jensen came out halfway through his introduction so the room just was not ready for him yet, but the scream almost blew my eardrums ;) Something that really hits you in reality is how different the umour of each actor is, and yet they're all completely hilarious! Jensen is so sarcastic, and Jared is just a child! And Misha is very intelligent.

  • One of the very first things Jensen said when he got on stage was a request for the aussie chant, which he dutifully gave ;) As if we would deny him!
  • When asked about the craziest fan moment, he talked about the classic tale of the London girl who jumped on him, and he said he gave her a forearm to the throat in automatic defense lol!!
  • One of the most interesting stories he told was in response to a question about the mechanics of the opening scene of Lazarus Rising when he was in the coffin. Apparently the dirt that spilled into the coffin when he pushed it up was crushed oreo crumbs! Hahaha. And poor Jensen said he forgot to put in his earplugs, so he was picking out oreo crumbs from his ears for a week LOL.
  • Somebody brought up the time when a person snuck onto the Supernatural set by pretending to be part of the crew, and asked what set Jensen would like to sneak onto. He answered Lost, because "Those S.O.B.'s get to work in Hawaii" ahahaha! And because its such a huge cast they don't work as many days as he does either. Lol! Jensen's jealous.
  • A fan asked how much imput Jensen has into the execution of his character, or whether all direction is given to him. Jensen said if he thinks a line isn't in character for Dean, i quote, "i just change it. 'Cause that's how i roll" HAHAHAHA.  Brilliant. But he said that's a hard thing to di when Eric's directing the episode, becase its hard to give advice to Dean's creator lol!
  • Jensen said Jared was his closest friend! SO CUTE.
  • Out of absolutely nowhere, Jared just came onto stage and gave Jensen a water bottle, then left again! I knew, inside, that Jared wouldn't be able to resist coming out at least once.
  • Something i considered interesting was that Jensen said he really loved it when the brothers were united when fighting evil. As opposed to Jared's interest to the brothers butting heads.
  • HE DID BLUE STEEL. Somebody asked two questions, and after answering the first he said "and", then tacked on the face lol!! It was so good.
  • Somebody asked if Jensen could try a fantale, and Jensen went to the packet to read it out and see what they were. He ended up rounding up the wrappers left over from the millions Jared ate lol, and he called Jared a "slob", and said "that's why we can't have nice things" lol. Not 30 seconds later the door opened and Jared poked his head in to yell back "you're a slob!" and disappeared again HAHAHAHA.
  • As the bidding continued, Jensen began to wipe his face and neck on the shirt to up the price, like Jared did lol!
  • Close to the end of the auction, the host said that she felt like an auctioneer. Jensen came forward and began impersonating an auctioneer with the fast speech and everything haha! It was SO cool! I love the way Jensen just comeso ut with impersonations like that. He's always got a surprise hidden inside!

I am going to post all my pictures in a separate entry. There aren't too many, but i believe this post is long enough lol. The end of my #1 Supernatural experience =D

convention: all hell breaks loose

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