Feb 19, 2009 15:28
Hi, boys and girls. You are now reading the memoirs of a working woman again. As it is I have had a job since I came home from Paris, but it's only now I felt like writing about it. Mostly I like my job. But yesterday that couldn't be said. I loved my job. It was so wonderful and... yeah. As I went home it started snowing and instead of cursing nature like I usually do I stuck out my tongue and caught snowflakes , and decided I'd walk home instead of taking the bus.
The job is quite simple; I work for Synovate and, to use thir words "help our clients meet the commercial challenges of the information age by constantly creating innovative ways of gathering facts, and turning that data into strategic business insights. If there's no existing method of finding out what you need to know, we'll invent it". So what I do is ask people if they'd like to participate in a survey. Usually they get a bag of coffe, or a lotery ticket for it.
Last week I worked outside. That was okay, not so much fun since it was 15 below outside (that's 5 degrees to you americans), but I got payed and my boss likes me. Yesterday however Synovate's customers was the cinema. So what we had to do was (oh fuck, my maternal instincts are being mean to me. Just now a puppy jumped up in my lap and my immediate reaction was not KILL KILL but awww. Then it was kill kill, of course.) go to the cinema and wait in this nice little room for the different shows to end and then ask them if they wanted to participate in the survey.
We got payed by the hour. That means that I got payed for sitting in a cozy room for two hours eating dinner and watching flight of the conchords. How can I not love this? I did. I loved it. Best job in the world.
nice day