Since flist is on weird incidents associated with public means of transportation mood now...

Nov 20, 2008 16:00

On the subway this morning this weird guy in a long detective coat walked on the train. I am one of these people who HATE weirdos on public means of transportations. Especially if they make noises. If they're quiet, I don't mind them, but if they make scenes I go into kill mode. Anyway, weirdo guy in detective coat walks up to me.

AYNA: *looks away as she is brought up to do*
WEIRDO: *tries to get contact*
AYNA: *looks away even harder*
WEIRDO: *pokes Ayna on shoulder*
WEIRDO: *broad grin*
AYNA: *makes point of removing giant headphones*
WEIRDO: Are you reading that newspaper?
WEIRDO: *points at newspaper on totally different seat*
AYNA: you mean that newspaper? On the other side of the bench? More than three armslengths away from me? The newspaper I am not reading?
WEIRDO: yes, that would be the one.
AYNA: ...
WEIRDO: *looks inquisitively at Ayna*
WEIRDO: Okay, fine.
WEIRDO: *moves to get it*
SUBWAY: *decides now is the best time to stop delaying and jerks to start*
WEIRDO: Whoooooaaaaaaaw!
AYNA: *gets bad preminission*
WEIRDO: *falls elegantly down in Ayna's lap*
AYNA'S MIND: (to Ayna) It's okay, don't panic, don't panic, you'll be fine, he hasn't peed on you. He hasn't pissed himself probably, he doesn't smell, it's okay, shh shh shh breathe, don't panic OMFG HE TOUCHED YOUR KNEE! PANIC FOR CHRISSAKES! HYGIENE!! HYGIENE! DON'T WORRY! NO I MEAN WORRY!!!! WORRY A ALOT!
Ayna: *hyperventilates*
WEIRDO: *is obviously freaked out by Ayna's panic attack*
WEIRDO: *smiles at Ayna and pats her head*
WEIRDO: *exchanges "yeah, I know she's crazy" looks with the other passengers*

public institutions, blogstuff, neurosis, about me

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