Mar 26, 2008 11:55
Aina hates the alphabet
The letter G
God - It's easy you don't like people who hate you. She hates me, so I hate Her. I mean that much snow in the end of March? She definately hates me. That's it, I renounce Her. Devil? I am ready to sell out! Come offer me lots of money and beuty.
Gulliver's travels - It's too un-PC, even for me.
Guys - Stupid guys not realising I am the greatest thing that ever happened since white bread.
Gamgee, Sam - Honestly, Sam, stop snivelling, it doesn't suit you. All that mindless following around like a sheep, STOP IT!
Gulf war, the - I never got it, and don't try to explain it to me.
Gadaffi - because anything else would be crazy.
Greens - as in places where your school thinks it's so nice to force the children to play football.
aina hates the alphabet