Jul 10, 2008 23:32
Bad news.
Bad new via phone.
It rings. It rings. It may be bad news. It rings. It continues to ring.
Voicemail, peace.
You are determined to continue doing what you are doing. You look up at your screen. Short at $42. It’s a freefall, cold comfort. Even colder on that there voicemail.
You have a sandwich. Havarti, turkey, French bread, and that sub oil that made your life complete. Newcastle I am thinking. That girl on Youtube I am thinking. Voicemail I am thinking. That girl on Youtube I am thinking. Insurance I am thinking. Charlie I am thinking. Voicemail I am thinking. Beer I am thinking. Water filter I am thinking. Voicemail.
Should I get an itouch. 32 gig why not.
Should I go to church? Why not. Why do I have such a violent aversion to her pain? I am thinking lots of things. I am a pretty good guy I am thinking. Pringles I am thinking. Voicemail I am thinking. I am wondering. I am wondering about gunts, and lesser mortals. I am wondering about the 15th of July. I am wondering about all the money I dont not care about losing. I am wondering if Bones wants to go to Midland. I am wondering. We could drive, smoke doobs.
Ebay I am thinking. Yeah. Subpoenas, No.
I am thinking that Joe was the most criminal fucking greedhead I have ever known. I am wondering if I have ever known worse. I am thinking about Ashley. I am thinking about her husband. I am wondering about her friend with the thick ass. Voicemail I am thinking.
Fuck it, let’s do this.
You press call. You put the phone close to your ear, but not against it. Fuck it, lets do speakerphone. Speakerphone. ONE UNHEARD MESSAGE. Fuckspeakerphonebacktoprivate. RECEIVED AT. You cringe…
“Jack…” You recognize the voice.
You throw the phone across the room.