Murder Ain't Shit

Sep 15, 2007 17:54

Autumn is upon us.

Every autumn, at least for the past couple of years, has been great. Last year, it began with Lee and I tailgating the Eagles - Cowboys game, experiencing the effigies of Terrell Owens hanging from ropes and stealing large amounts of brandy and hoagies. Then came the Halloween party at Craig's which ruled. The following weekend was the Halloween party at Michelle's, where the whole Michelle thing started. Declan subsequently visited, I had a great Thanksgiving, Michelle and I were going strong through December, and it all culminated in the week preceding Christmas, which included the Cuba Libre night with Michelle and Christmas Eve at Kunkel's restaurant with Justin, Rob, Booch, Kari, Craig, Walt, Jesse and Keith.

And then, just like with the past couple of years, it all came crashing down around January and February. Beyond the craptacular weather that winter brings, the shit hit the fan big time when the whole Michelle thing happened at the same time as various family illnesses.

Senior year of college, the pattern was broken, but junior, sophomore and freshman year as well as senior year of high school the same thing happened: autumn kicked ass while the winter was the complete opposite, with spring bringing hope for a summer that turned out generally satisfactory, ending when October came to start the whole cycle over once more. Generally, the best parties are in autumn and that also happens to be the time that a new love interest enters my life (it has actually always been in autumn, and it has always ended with the onset of winter).

The question now is: will this patter repeat itself again? Already, autumn is looking promising. Football is upon us, the Eagles suck, Mel's having what should be a fun graduation party in north Jersey, my cousin's wedding is looking insane, Declan's visiting and me, him and Lee may go to California or Oregon, and who knows what the hell my home friends are gonna be up to (it will probably involve large amounts of alcohol and high levels of taquito consumption). I'm hoping that autumn will prove exciting, as I have been quite stagnant in the past few days and it's driving me up a wall.

Will the winter react negatively however to a positive autumn? Time shall tell.

One a side note, I drank a lot of wine last night with Kim and Kevin, and it was one of the happiest drunks I have ever experienced.
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