(no subject)

Aug 04, 2004 18:33

*Nervous Habits: i bite my tongue
*Are you double jointed?: no idea
*Can you roll your tongue?: yea
*Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? *tries it* sorta?
*Can you blow spit bubbles?: lol havn't tried... *tries that, too* aah i drooled on my shirt!
*Can you cross your eyes?: yea
*Tattoos?: sry nope
*Piercings and where?: 2 in each ear
*Do you make your bed daily?: lol when i remember

*Which shoe goes on first?: doesnt matter for me
*Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone?: all the time
*On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet?: uh like a 20 and a few singles if im lucky
*What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: my koosh earrings and my annoyying sex bracelets and my fossil watch and dan's balls and my sharktooth neclace and an ankle bracelet and maybe a random ring
*Favorite Piece of Clothing?: my gray plaid zipper miniskirt!!!
*Pajamas: uhh i wear a t-shirt... yea

-- FOOD --
*Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?: cut
*Have you ever eaten Spam?: once but i had no clue it was spam
*Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: chocolate peanut butter swirl
*How many cereals in your cabinet?: like 6
*What's your favorite beverage?: pink lemonade
*What's your favorite restaurant?: applebees
*Do you cook?: brownies occassionally

*How often do you brush your teeth?: like twice a day
*How often do you shower/bathe?: every morning and aometimes again later if i was a dirty little girl... lol
*How long does your shower?: lol like 15 minutes
*Hair drying method? towel
*Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair?: lol blonde and PYNK
*Do you paint your nails?: yea they're pink right now

*Do you swear?: yea
*Do you ever spit?: no
*Animal: fave is a fluffy kitty cat or bunny
*Food: veggies r yummy
*Month: october,november,december
*Day: saturday
*Cartoon: none
*Shoe Brand: idk,, nike?
*Subject in school: art
*Color: dark blue
*Sport: baseball, track, and ultimate frisbee
*TV show: who's line is it anyway, the assisstant, daily download
*Best Looking Male Celebs: me,, lol,, jk
*Vacationing Spot: florida
*Thing to do in Spring: idk
*Thing To Do In The Summer: have fun,,, chill
*Thing To Do In Autumn:
*Thing To Do In The Winter: holiday, insane snowball fights
*Game: ummm,, idk

*The CD Player?: uh be more specific? yea i usually use it
*Person you talk most on the phone?: lol Rich
*Ever taken a cab?: nope
*Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows and mirrors?: lol sorta kinda maybe
*What color is your bedroom?: baby blue
*Do you use an alarm clock?: yeah
*Window seat or aisle?: window

-- LA LA LAND --
*What's your sleeping position?: lol doesnt really matter
*Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: not really, depends if i have AC
*Do you snore?: no but i talk in my sleep
*Do you sleepwalk?: yea when i was on meds from surgery...
*Do you sleep with a stuffed animals?: yea! the fluffy build a bear monkey
*How about with the light on?: nope
*Do you fall asleep with the TV or radio on?: radio everynite

*Coke or Pepsi?: ehh whichever
*Oranges or apples? apples
*One pillow or two?: two
*Deaf or blind?: deaf
*Blondes or brunettes?: dont matter
*Tall or short?: taller than me
*TV or radio?: radio
*Beach or pool?: both
*Tic-Tacs or Certs?: tic tacs, baby
*Snooze button or jump out of bed?: depeneds what i have to avoid or look forward to that day
*Sunrise or Sunset?: sunset
*Hamburger or Cheeseburger?: veggieburger!!
*Morning or night?: night
*Sports or news?: cartoons
*Indoors or outdoors?: outdoors
*Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?: xmas day cus i get stuff and dont have to visit odd relatives...
*Cake or ice cream?: yummy! ...peanut butter chocolate swirl, you kno it!
*Spearmint or Peppermint?: uh peppermint
*Bath or shower?: shower
*Book or Movie?: hehehe movies with sum1 special
*Green or Red apples?: green
*Rain or Snow?: .:.:rain.:.:
*Nike or Adidas?: vans

*Took a shower?: this morning
*Cried?: yesterday
*Read a book?: uhm a week ago?

*Where do you see yourself in ten years?:
*Who are you going to be married to?: ..+::*my teddy bear*::+..
*How many kids?: have 1 and adopt another
*Occupation: graphics/web design maybe
*Car of Your Dreams?: 60's charger or the firebird yay
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