"Puzzle" - Gin!centric Drabble

Apr 08, 2011 07:07

Title: Puzzle
Author: panda-pon
Characters/Fandom: Gin (implied Aizen/Gin)/Bleach
Rating: PG-13. I think. Guh, I need to stop writing tame shit.
Warnings: Uh...vagueness? Nonsensical babble (considering the time, uhhhh)? Slightly dark theme...if that even counts?
Wordcount: 563
Author's Note: This is what happens to my brain when I'm sitting in my basement at 5:30am with half a pot of cold no-name mac n' cheese, a bottle of Smirnoff Twisted Green Apple, and somehow manage to convince myself it's a good idea to write for a half-hour. So, sorry if this makes no semblance of sense whatsoever. I'm not even really awake enough to decide if I like it or not, which means I'm probably going to hate myself for posting it, after I've napped. But I'm too tired to give a damn right now. Also, apologies for any typos there may be in here. I'm a grammar/punctuation Nazi and try to catch everything before I post, but I tend to miss, well, a lot when I'm tired. So...please forgive this transgression, and don't egg my house? :'D Oh shit, I'd be scared if any of you actually knew where I live, in order to do so.
Oh yeah. Irrelevant, but adding on just for the Hell of it--I wrote the first paragraph almost exactly a year ago, then forgot about it, then got bored this morning and started to rummage through my old documents, and decided "Hey, I should totally finish this. :D" Because I'm just awesome like that.
And goddamn it LJ, you suck ass, y'know that? This took me over an hour to post after finishing, because I tried to upload an icon, and it froze my entire browser. So, I had to ForceQuit. And go figure, LJ decided not to save a draft, so I had to retype this entire info-section here, which took me a half-hour originally. And being the perfectionist that I am, I refused to post until I had it retyped exactly. Now I'm too awake to sleep. //SOB

Everything about Ichimaru Gin is an enigma-a puzzle. His thoughts, feelings, motivations; all hidden behind that one smile-the one that fits perfectly on his lips, like the final piece of a jigsaw. Any other expression would have just seemed…wrong, on such a face as his.

But just as any puzzle, there’s a trick to figuring him out. It’s an art of laying out the right pieces the right way, in just the right order, and hoping that they’ll bend to your will.

They don’t always.

Because some puzzles are only human, and humans have flaws. But the flaws themselves can be a puzzle within the puzzle; discover these flaws, decipher them, and then reshape them to your own making, and the puzzle will click into place-a puzzle no longer. Not to you, at least.

Just as any puzzle, Gin will have someone behind him; constantly working to put the pieces together, and to see the full picture for once and for all-all his thoughts, feelings, motivations-all of his secrets.

And Gin will know. He’ll know, and he’ll be working just as hard to keep them safe-to strengthen the puzzle that is his foundation. But a puzzle is only a game in the end; and like all games, someone will always win, and it’s a terrifying prospect for the someone who won’t.

The thing about puzzles, though, is that the puzzle is never the winner. There will always be someone to put them together, if they persevere long enough-and Gin had always known it would just be a matter of time.

Aizen Sousuke is a man that perseveres in all that he does, if only because he is a man that will never give up. No matter how insignificant the task, he will always come out the winner; it makes Gin a puzzle he could never hope to resist, and makes Aizen the first real threat Gin has ever faced.

However, it’s that same threat, that same promise of risk, of danger, that makes the game so exciting. So enticing. So irresistible to either player. It’s a game with a predetermined outcome, but that doesn’t matter, because the thrill is in the means, and not the end.

But still, a puzzle is only a puzzle, and Aizen is a mastermind. It does end, and then the challenge is no more. The same game can never be played and won twice.

The puzzle is complete.

All of Gin’s thoughts, feelings, motivations-his secrets are no longer secrets at all, but laid out facts on a philosophical spreadsheet for Aizen to pick through and devour, as if the knowledge were his oxygen.

The game is over.

But Aizen makes sure Gin will stay useful. Enticing. Irresistible. Aizen will never allow that initial thrill to be lost. And so, as soon as Gin has been solved, he will break him.

Just as with any puzzle, the pieces can be torn down and ripped apart; and if done so just the right way, with just the right amount of care and precaution, the damage will be-while inevitable-repairable. It’s all a part of the game.

Aizen will break him, and then put him back together again with soft caresses and empty promises. Complete process; repeat.

And Gin will let him, every time. Because in the end, it’s only a game.
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