May 23, 2016 21:53
Sun, 13:12 : RT @ aoaooii : 5/22 スク革 山田VS知念宿命のライバル3番勝負! - Mon, 00:35 : RT @ dokkero : I went trip with Chinen tgether. When I wake up, Chinen was stil sleep. So I rent a car and went to the sea alone. - Ryosuke… Mon, 00:38 : RT @ kaleidoruby : Kei: My mom is a big fan of Doctor X. For me to also appear in this work, I had happy and fun feelings, and a sense of ner… Mon, 00:38 : RT @ inoodaisies : @ kaleidoruby it was cute when Yonekura Ryoko pretended to cry bc of her age x) Mon, 00:40 : Is it just me, or why does Inoo look awkward but gorgeous at the same time as a figure skater? x"D Mon, 11:56 : EH?? What is this? The FMA LA announcement is tomorrow? Says who?? :O Mon, 12:05 : RT @ yamadayumi753 : 文字数制限で入りきらなかったので。 ハクロ:小日向文世 エンヴィー:本郷奏多 グラトニー:内山信二 監督:曽利文彦 あくまで私の予想です。 Mon, 12:07 : RT @ INFINITE1488 : His voice makes my heart melt 💞 Who said #Japanese idols can't sing? C'mon! Just listen to him! #YamadaRyosuke #JPOP http… Mon, 12:08 : RT @ ichigo_951 : There was a rumour that FMA live action starring yamada will be announce tomorrow!! Let's wait and see.... Mon, 12:10 : RT @ TOWER_Tsudanuma : 【先週の津田沼店チャート】 シングルTOP3 1位:嵐『I seek/Daylight』 2位:Hey!Say!JUMP『真剣SUNSHINE』 3位:安室奈美恵『Mint』 (続く)