Need to chill! D: Packing is hazardous and theres just simply too many things! Mika is crazy, now I know I shouldn't shop too much. Bad Mika, bad Mika... And why did I even decide to have 5 pillows?! grr. My friend is going to kill me for the amount of garbage I'm going to dump in her room...
Ok self pity over.
I've moved to Flat 28 at the moment and I hate it lol. =/ Summer is coming and I hate the hot weather.
Sorry f-list T_T I still read your journals but I just don't comment sometimes. Please don't de-friend me. D: hahahahaha Please still love me!
JLPT tomorrow. Study!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And people, look what I found in Fremantle market!
*winks* It's someone's Sealieeeeeeeeeee
well, it looks like it. xD
Love you all love you all *kisses and hugs*