Week 12 is H-E-L-L

May 07, 2008 11:32

I slept at 5 a.m. this morning fretting and worrying over my presentation on management. I'm so tired and exhausted from dealing with group problems.

This whole week felt like a horror film unfolding before my eyes. Last weekend I didn't sleep much due to essays to be sent in on Monday. Insanity lol. And I had Japanese test yesterday. omg, i screwed up my listening. >.< *sigh*

Another management report and I'll rough out Week 12 finally. Come what may, come what may, no matter its group problems, stage fright or life problems, come what may.

I'm waiting for 1.30 p.m. to come so all this hellish presentation can go away.

And I'm feeling rather out of place because of the dream I had. When I hit the bed around 5, I thought I could finally catch some sleep. But no, god (who loves discoing with the weather) decided to give me a dream that made me woke up crying.

I dreamt that when I flew back home, my mum decided to hate me, ignore and disown me. I can't remember the exact details, but I do remember how hurt I was, how she stared at me with hatred in her eyes.

But then I woke up, crying, telling myself all of these are not true. She cried when I left for Perth and despite the fact that I may not be the best daughter in the world, she still loves me. And despite the fact that she may not be the best mum in the world, I still love her. Everyone has their own flaws.

I hate being emotional when I wake up from a very disastrous or a sad dream. It doesn't make my day any much better. For the past few weeks I've been having many weird dreams that all relates to my assignment. I did an essay on cybercrime and there was terrorism issue involved. I dreamt on Monday morning about me watching people getting killed by terrorists. Then I was in a room and there were many children and women together, and when the terrorist entered, I hid behind the door, and he started gunning everyone down. When I thought I was safe, he re-entered, turned to where I was hiding and shot me down.

Not a pretty feeling I must say. I hate to 'actually die' in my dreams. I felt myself dying before several times and I hate the feeling. The feeling of life slowly dissipating away.

*sigh* I'm being crazy and ranting again. I should really go practise my speech again.

I'm totally captivated with Joie de Vivre recommended by kroongho. After much pain of Googling, I found the doc version with lots of French phrases that I don't understand. I should ask my flatmate soon.

But I love the ending of the first chapter where she described how she felt when she saw JaeJoong. Because... Je t'aime... Because... Je t'adore... I will continue to read it when I'm free.

*sigh* I had been debating on whether or not to go back home this winter.

I shall live through it, week 12 still ongoing, and ending soon. Everything will be fine.

Quoted from to-you-in-grey: It's the weather! It's the weather! (That everything goes wrong).

fanfic, dream, week

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