busy busy busy

Feb 20, 2010 22:11

with so many things....

finally i am done with the NTU application and applied for scholarship...
finally i am done with the scarfs!
finally visitings are officially done
finally met all the important souls in my life
finally sis and i managed to re-vamp the dead pots of plants just today
finally went for a swim
finally went to run
finally my sports shoe opened its crocodile mouth
finally all the winter clothing are washed and kept in place
finally i sign-ed up to be a relief teacher
finally i got used to the weather in Singapore
finally i dont have to worry about what to eat for lunch and dinner
finally i dont have to pay for the tidbits at home
finally i get to eat seaweed chicken and sotong balls!
finally i ate curry
finally i am happy and contented with life everyday

i have something that is worth to put here! seriously,pls get a life after reading it...you, yes you! i think its you!

"Apologizing does not always mean that You are wrong and the other person is right.
It just means that You value your relationship more than your ego"

-copied from somewhere worth the post.. claimed by alvin :D

"love the sinners, hate their sins"

-copied from a slogan behind a van.. credit to cheok jer yee itzel

came to know of some uber childish acts by some people and what they did sure irritates me further to post this up. come on girl, what is the point of saying "ok i forgive" and yet you are not acting on your words. shoots..tired tired... continue for all you want. i never thought a relationship could be so easily built and so easily shaken and now, easily shattered. great job there. i've done what i could and i've seen through all these... thanks for everything anw.

PS: going to dig out my treasures for cheok NOW :D
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