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Apr 20, 2012 22:18

Or maybe I mean being disappointed, feeling slighted and generally unsatisfied.

In 008 we have a flash back to a Jason and Tim moment.  It's THE moment myself and others have been waiting for, that moment when the boys civilly acknowledge the past BUT MOVE ON.  So now that I have that I should be happy, right?  No, it's really not.  Because--as I've been saying all along with this book--it's out of the blue.  All that time, all that character development that would have been required to get BOTH characters to this point has simply been hand waved at.  We're just supposed to take for granted that it happened.

And that pisses me off!  I WANT to see that time and character development!  I want to see what it took to get them to this point!  I want to see the pain and triumph of working things out.  I want to have the satisfaction of being taken on that journey WITH the characters!  But instead it's just "meh, it happened back then, we're good now."  That's not good story telling.  That's a cop out....with my two favourite characters.

I could cry.

dc, jason, tim, comics

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