I'm annoyed and it needs to be said

Jun 26, 2011 13:23

I love role playing.  It's fun.  And when people ask me to get involved, if I have time, I will.

When people ask me to make a comm so that game play is more accessible to a greater variety of a characters/players, I do.

When I'm asked to look for muns to play a given character I do my best and when I find someone and they are excited about the idea of joining in, life is pretty good.

And then people disappear.

I get that RL happens.  And I understand that it's summer and that the weather is too beautiful to waste.  I really do.  This is why I insist on running low-key games where a post or two a week is perfectly acceptable.  Hell, I even make sure that game play isn't necessarily linear and that people can have simultaneous events.  It's just RP, it's supposed to be fun and getting wrapped up in nit-picky details really isn't.

But apparently I'm supposed to the be the one to start ALL threads, come up with ALL ideas and track down everyone that has been letting their tags languish for the last three weeks.  It's EXHAUSTING, disappointing and quite frankly, a piss off because now I'm feeling that I've been taken for granted and used.

And seeing as I've gone through before, this you'd think I'd learn.

Well this time I have.  If Gotham_FT is dead, then that's it.  I'm not making another comm, I'm not finding more players.  And I'm probably not going to get involved in anyone else's comm because it's just not worth the drama.

rant, game

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