到广州了,熟悉的城市...在机场见到了广 州,香港的可爱觅糖们*,谢谢大家,你们从香港带来的杏仁露好好喝,今晚要多喝点,明天主持彩排嗓子就能撑下来!!
Arrived at Guangzhou, the city I know well...at the airport I saw Guangzhou, Hong Kong's lovely Honeys*, thank you all of you, the almond soup you guys brought all the way from Hong Kong was delicious! I'll have to drink more tonight, so that when I rehearse as TV host tomorrow my throat can keep going!!
Guangzhou is my lucky place**, much of my memories as a college student were spent here, and it is also the place where the fates of SME and me began to intertwine...The place and the people are the same, it's just the time that is different ...
觅糖们/Honeys* = Zhou Mi's fans
福地** = hum again I'm not used to saying it like this, so I just translated it literally .____.''
zhou mi's weibotranslation:
eggtartartNote: these were posted about 4 hours apart but on the same day
Oh, you little camwhore you