Following the rise of her popularity through the controversial drama "Inbound Troubles", Caucasian actress Corinna Chamberlain recently released her first Cantonese album.
As reported on Popular Asians, the 31-year-old Hong Kong-born actress of Australia-New Zealand descent, known famously for her role as "Caucasian Girl Cindy" in the drama, released her first Cantonese album titled "Different Species".
Composed and produced by John Laudon, the lyrics of the song "Different Species" was written by "Inbound Troubles" actor-scriptwriter, Wong Cho Lam.
The album will showcase her singing talent and emphasise on her struggles living as a 'different species' in a land of homogeneity.
Born in a family of missionaries in Hong Kong, Corinna graduated from the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts where she studied musical theatre and dance. Prior to joining TVB in 2007, Corinna worked as a backup vocalist for several Hong Kong singers, and was a director for the dance company Morethandance until 2008.
http://my.entertainm...-054800644.html I would say we have our own Beckii Cruel, but naw, she's actually really good. See how classy C-Ent is? ;)