Directed by Wong Kar Wai, featuring an all-star ensemble of Tony Leung, Zhang Ziyi, Chang Chen, Zhao Benshan, Xiaoshenyang and Song Hye-kyo, the film The Grandmaster released four new posters today. The posters show four of the lead actors 'smashing' through waves. Also revealed on the posters was the new release date of the movie, which is now set for January 8, 2013.
The four new posters depict Tony Leung fighting in wing chun style, Zhang Ziyi fighting in baguazhang style (eight trigram palm), Chang Chen using bajiquan (eight extremities fist), and Zhao Benshan using xingyiquan (shape boxing). All four actors display their clans' special moves as they attempt to split the waves. Water appears to splash everywhere and the chill in the air is evident. The coldness also seems to seep into their faces making them appear domineering. As compared to previous years, the lineup for this year's lunar holiday films appear to be more competitive. Due to the fierce competition predicted at the box office, The Grandmaster has readjusted their release date to January 8, 2013 (prior to the lunar new year).
Wong Kar Wai began filming his first movie As Tears Go By in 1988. Next year will be his 25th year as a feature film director. The Grandmaster will be his 10th release (excluding Eros, which was a joint project with Michelangelo Antonioni and Steven Soderbergh). However, The Grandmaster is also the film he has spent the most time preparing for. Regarding the decision to release the movie the towards end of the [western] New Year holiday, the spokesperson from the distribution company Sil-Metropole Organisation, says, "This movie incorporates many years of hard work from Director Wong and all of his cast. From that point of view, we would like to give him more space to bring his entire vision to fruition. This is the kind of respect we'd like to give to these directors."
SinaTranslated by: sparkles_n15 @ mmm keep forgetting chang chen is in this