Nov 11, 2004 08:12
I just had this really fucked up dream and I have to get it down before I forget it.
We were having this big house party and someone got murdered in our garage. Troy was the cop's prime suspect because the person had been killed with his van and he was the only one who had keys, but he hadn't actually done it. The cops were looking for him but hadn't found him yet, and he was going to turn himself in. Most of the dream at that point was me crying and pleading with him not to go, because I was sure he would get life in prison for this murder. I just kept begging and begging him not to leave me, and to run away with me where we wouldn't be found. Then we heard police sirens coming -
And at that point I woke up. Then I fell back asleep and dreamed the rest.
We had this skeevy male roommate and he wanted to use the van... I told him he couldn't, because it was part of a police investigation. We were sitting around in the garage with Leah and Alvin. Anyway, he pulled out this gun and confessed to the murder, then he shot himself in the neck and died. We all told the cops that he had confessed, but they didn't believe us cause they thought we were just trying to save Troy, and they arrested him and took him away.
Then I woke up and fell back asleep again.
It was months later and I had not had any contact with Troy whatsoever, and I could not find out where he was. I kept writing to Amnesty International and stuff like that, because I was convinced that he was in some kind of torture gulag in South America or something. Then one day, he just came home. It turned out the cops hadn't actually thought he had committed the murder, but they wanted him for some sort of top secret think-tank and he had been in a fancy hotel somewhere cut off from everyone.
After that, it just gets kinda weird.