I'm back!
Aww..It's been more than a year that I doesn't post any entry here. >_<
My friends list is not too many, so I guessed everyone had forgot me. Minna, gomen nasai!
I'm so lazy to update my LJ. If this is a room, I bet spider's web must be here and there.. 0_o
There are many things happened in my fandoms throughout the year..
and of course, NEWS COMEBACK is the one that makes me the happiest ever!
Now I'm supporting the 4-nin NEWS even though Yamapi is not there anymore as long as Shige-sensei is there. <3 Their long-awaited new single, Chankapaana is so lovely and the B-side Full Swing is so wonderful. I just love them more every time I listen to the songs.
Also, Hey Say JUMP released their second album! I love all the songs in the album. Hikaru, I love you. You're my ichiban forever. <3 On another news, Yuto is a model now! Oh boy, you had grown up to be a fine boy.. Really fine! >__<
Not to forget, Kamiki Ryuunosuke has a new movie! Kirishima Bukatsu Yamerutteyo, together with Ohgo Suzuka and Hashimoto Ai. <3 Aww~ I can't wait to watch this movie. I hope he will has a new role in a drama for the next season. I want to watch him with Shida Mirai more! :D
Well, well, well.. Ehem, actually I'm back with something new. I'm writing a fanfic right now. I'm not sure whether I should post it here or not. My sister asked me to post it in my LJ but I'm too shy that it's not so good. Plus, this is my first attempt to write a fic. It's chapter-ed and still ongoing. For the first step, let me just leave a poster that was made by my sister here.
That's it. Let's see if I really have the courage to post the fanfic tomorrow. ^_^v