Concurrent with
this and after
this Radagast waited with eyes to the East high in the Himalayan Mountains. He was waiting for a familiar sight on the horizon. As the sun rose the shape became clear against the back drop of the reds that filled the horizon. Great wing beats could even now be heard in the wind by the Brown Wizard. Minutes passed and the shape went from spot to a large form that blotted out the growing light. Despite size the eagle touched the ground in soundless grace.
“What words have you from the East Wind Lord?” Radagast called over the roaring winds that swirled through the Eyrie.
“It is as you feared. The guardian is fading and time grows short.” The eagle switched duty with its mate and took to brooding his chicks. Radagast joined the great eagle in the alcove free of wind and whipping snow.
“And of Gandalf?” The man spoke with expectancy his voice rarely took on.
“I saw no sign of the White Wizard.” Gwaihir too wished word of his old friend.
Radagast took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “As I imagined once he sailed on. It would have been nice to speak with him once more.”
“I too would like to hear how he faired but it is not meant for this time.” Gwaihir affirmed the wizard’s need to put the fruitless search behind him.
“How grows the time for action on this matter?” Radagast was once more staring at the sunrise.
“Less than a moon by the Elf’s words.”
“I must fly swiftly.” Radagast smiled. “Thank you my friend.”
“The Brown wizard has always been friend to birds.” Gwaihir paused regarding the old looking man. “He never asks our wings to bear a burden. He bears it upon his own.”
Radagast smiled cheerfully. “I know too well the burden of flight.”
There upon the mountain the man became an Albatross and took flight soaring on the winds to the East. It would not take long to reach his destination but it was not the elf he sought. No, Radagast was headed for the woman who would soon possess the other half of the equation.
Words: 360