Apr 29, 2009 11:05
Lately I have realized I don't know what to write in titles, in fact I don't know how to join sentences in a satifactory way, I'm doubting all time;;; That don't used to happen me ;_; damn university you are not giving me knowledge, you are taking it away OTL
Whatever. I have started reading K-ON, and underline READING. Even if I started watching the first episode of the anime and kind of liked it I can't watch it anymore, for some reason it has become uber uberpopular, and I have started to get very tired of it.
So I will read the manga, which has not as much as moe fanservice and highly doubt nobody reads it, at least not the Pixiv artists who draws tons of ED clothing fanarts (They are so boring, always same poses, clothes and drawing style -___-)
Plus the main characters is not as stupid and exasperant as in the anime.
And about things that become suddlenly popular and suddlenly (aka end of anime) nobody cares about, Soul Eater.
Lately the fandom is wa~y less active, tegaki gets lots of fewer draws, same as Pixiv (don't know about DA, is a pain search for fanarts there)The forum I used to visit because there were interesting information and pictures has been inactive for days.
In a way I kind of like it, since the ones who will remain are true fans and the ones who read the manga. And I will get rid of the personal problem of liking a popular series with stupid fans that make seems all the people who likes it as well stupid.
soul eater,